NC 2015 - Team Poland

image: kadra2015

Hi! Poland Team Poland is proud to present to you 2k15 roster.

Poland grzesiek (c) - finally after 3 years in a row being manager, managed to be captain, also debut in main lineup
Poland dialer - nothing to add I think
Poland blk - offline only (also known as gladiator nowadays)
Poland Frag'Stealer - aimgod
Poland hunter - after this NC sw_goldrush_te is going to be sw_rogalrush_te
Poland WuT - lnatrickjump.pk3

Poland jiN - deserved backup, he just proved last months that 7th slot for him isn't mistake
Poland BloOdje - 24/7 drunk
Poland fanatic - #kolesiostwo
Poland Czarek - cwel

Poland Robaciek aka Wuosy aka Robert - official support of team poland (diler i te sprawy) also known as 4th member of Gang Albanii, chory producent elooo

banned from Team Poland this year :( - Poland Abject

Quote by grzesiekAiming for ofc. Will be hard to manage it without Abject, but shape from 2k11/2k12 is coming back so I think I will handle level of Abject. Next three players: belka, dialer and Frag'Stealer - nothing to add, they proved at Reborn lan really good level. hunter & WuT - damage whore and objective whore. I’m confident that I picked all the best possible polish players and we will do well this year.

Quote by BloOdjeasjaskdiahs jkuywra nzowu sien ahnbeuujebalem

Quote by hunter zapiej gorys

Quote by fanatic where is IGLA? top10 without him this year.

Quote by blk XD

Final backups of Team Poland at friday, need hangover to think about this.

greetz, Poland grzesiek aka DON KUBANO SYLABISTA eloooo

image: EFG9Da
incoming, best captain ever
Oh all this gay romance makes me wanna go 'la la la la al laaa'
so many polaks disappeared... he gonna roll grush for sure, haha. GL Proland!
blk best quote
+1 :D:D:D
gl anyway
most wanted
great lineup, gl dialer

iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii jiN
Polish are the best people
very nice, powodzonka chlopaki
Welcome and good luck in the NC
dawaj na ring, zaraz cie zniszcie
gl debily jebany w dupe
add igla or ill be kicked all the time from nbs
jest! dziekuje wam za to... mdma bedzie walone
where is michel kaminski
no Poland meehow? :<
Meehow banned from team PL?
also where is kirej?
no kirej and other good players because they are taking always friends to a team
+1 Sebson for Poland captain!
chlopie juz te wszystkie hejty mnei wkurwiaja, kogo mam wziac niby? kireja pytalem sie czy chce na backup ale nie chcial

pokazcie mi kogos oprocz kireja kto gra w jakims klanie na wysokim poziomie na chwile obecna poza ludzmi z lineupa ktory wybralem, wtedy ok pogadamy. inb4 ze sie sam wpisalem do main lineupu i jestem inactive, gram aktywnie pracce z nimi bo zawsze kogos brakuje a za abjecta zagrac dam rade
Skyline - chce udowodnić co potrafi
w1lk0 - chciał ostatnio grać 6stki
buggs - pominięcie go jest wielkim fopa
meehow - mógłby zastąpić każdego (może prócz dialera)
elviss - gadał, że z chęcią pogra aktywnie

no i Pan Bastek bo uważa, że wszyscy są low :XD
Szpyru - deserved back up , marzenie sie spelnilo po latach na haxie, ktos wreszcie dostrzegl jego talent. Brawo nie zawiedz milionow polakow zgromadzonych przed telewizorami I radioodbiornikami , gl proland niuch niuch wyjscie z grupy zapewnione ;)
odpowiedz adekwatna do poziomu umiejętnosci ^^
drunk :D gl :P
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