cu finlaaaand

Yeeheehehehehehhahahhhazhhaahahtht good game!!!!!
ahahah :ddd
well paid
Putin just wanted easier opponent for the possible bronze medal game. Canada will roll you 6-0, after that USA or Russia will fuck you over. No medal for CZE, mark my words. Gl
Stay out in 1/4 finals haha
Well that took actually pretty many years to happen.
No medal, nor goals after fin game :)
Well bribed referees indeed
The amount of fouls not being called on your side was incredible so fu, Peka Rinne the best im the wkrls hahaha
xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD Yes. Seems like you know something about icehockey
Seems it's more than you do xoxo
Well, saying Pekka Rinne isn't / wasn't the best its just retarded, w/o Rinne Nashville wouldn't have even dreamed about getting into playoffs neither being on top on NHL, same goes for finland on this IIHF

The fact that referees called off fin's 3rd goal and gave a penalty for that, uhm.. What can I say, if you go seriously by the book and don't allow any contact the judgement about calling that goal off was ok, but as we saw on the game CZE was able to do nearly anything without receiving a penalty.. The fact that it was 4v4 already, Kontiola only pushed to the goal area and your player fell down pretty much only because of _your_ own player's stick, Kontiola got penalty and the goal didn't get accepted. :D Yes, very incredible referee playing, definetly the referees favored us not you. If you don't know what I'm talking about, I suggest you watch the game again and take a look what CZE players were doing. Oh wait, you don't understand icehockey and prolly you don't even know the rules so I suppose watching the game again won't help you much here!

My only respect goes to Jagr, #68 has destroyed us before also, also a little bit blame goes to Finland Pesonen who made it possible for #68 to make that 4th goal :8). In the end, game was tight as fuck, with better referees this would've been surely other way around, as it actually should have been. fin would've taken this 5-2 without brided referees, gg wp
Not sure if troll or just plain stupid. Either way refs have always been crap in iihf tournaments since every country has to be involved in the tournament arrangements -> amateur refs. These kind of fauls could never happen in professional leagues.

En tiiä miks ees lähin sille selittelee, pitäis muistaa ettei sais syöttää trollia
On se jagr vaan huikee mies. Tää nuorempi tsekki on kyl sen tason huomiohoro et veikkaan ettei ollu edes trolli :D
Are u wanna die?
Why are u guys talking with a 15 years old kid about icehockey? makes no sense :-)
that guy just need attention nothing else...
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