ET:U NC '15 - Team USA

image: 4e1f8Ye
After being kicked out of the NationsCup for two season straight, Team USA is back! I've gathered the remaining skilled Americans who hope to do their best in representing our nation. Our members have promised to be on their best behavior so we can get back to liberating the rest of the world. Without further ado, I present Team USA:
  • United States of America detdet
  • United States of America ipod
  • United States of America Joker
  • United States of America Sem
  • United States of America bionic
  • United States of America Foreigner
  • United States of America vein

Quote by detdetshould be able to beat the shitties with that i guess

Quote by vaderWe're gonna free the shit out of you

Quote by animIs that my face on Uncle Sam?

Please show your support by idling
good luck boys!
Go kick their asses boys!
noyes bN?
Check the banner again
Great banner, best of luck.
gl ipod, detdet and vein!
joker and theend > *

e: omg shoutout
they have retired from ET damian :((((( Joker has decided to become csgo pro and End finally got job after many years xDDDDDDDDDDDDD
I want to believe.
come play with us one day then my friend xD
We play 3s here and there but for the most part we're done we no make quit threads like meehow xD
damian meehow is very very upset you havent asnwered his fb message yet
I remember that kardon guy and friends from usa were playing well back then. Looking at the posted line-ups I miss so many faces, and this time I am not whining because I dont see my oldschool favourites, but some strong names. Still lineups are above expectations... GL to u too U$A.
kardon is around but plays csgo all day high on pills and marijuana
saddam osama muammar che martin john - free now and for ever
GL to all of you <3 Tupac for the first time you used my name right! and wheres United States of America The_End?
Time to give the lower tier players a chance to shine Meehow.
bunch of
Bunch of flippin' studs!
too easy for vein
where is anim? oh wait he is canadian
gonna try to beat my epic 300 comment gamestv match gonna be tough tho
no end and joker? this is not the america i sign up for
good luck to everyone, but especially bark and ipod.
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