New ET content / changes.

I just wanted to throw this out there, cba to write a long post atm.

ETPro should feature like 2 smoke grenades in a 6o6 team on medics so more dynamic plays / tactics can be used.
Hell, why not even introduce Playdead / (one?) Shotgun per team in 6on6.

Please respond, thanks in advance.
nice ideas, would definately be more dynamic
Thanks for the feedback, I appreciate the input.

Waiting for sebhes / et illuminati to respond atm.
I don't think those changed are even possible to implement in ETPro without some serious modifications. they also seem like they're trying to turn ET into some other game.
First of all, thanks that someone of the ET Illuminati/politics group responds.

Secondly, I'm not sure atm, was it ETPro that is closed source?
last, most of these things were already in ET / playdead/shotty added later, but then again just an idea, I always loved playdead hehe.
Hi there friend,

Playdead just wouldn't work in 6on6/3on3. People are always counting who they have killed and gibbing, so even if the playdead were to look exactly the same, it wouldn't work.

Kind regards,
Thanks for the kind words,

However, I do think that not everyone is as controlled/calculated as Sebhes for example in a 6on6, I do get your point. Anyway it might just be useless because the Polish players could just pm rainer and ask him if he can add dead/alive to their ESP..

Take care
everyone should be gibbing anyway

e: and yeah ETPro is closed source
Everyone should, I agree, but not everyone does tho. And not everyone keeps track I think, in the heat of the moment in a 6on6.

Thanks for the answer, thought so but wasn't exactly sure anymore.

Take care foreigner
Well, I guess people would start gibbing more frequently if the change was implemented. Another idea is to make the covert ops more attractive to play somehow, since we already have a class that can throw smokes like you wanted.
I know, someone else pointed this out as well but right now, no one is picking covert ops I believe unless it is to blow up a certain objective, once in a while we see someone picking up a scope but not using the smoke tho I believe.
QuoteHowever, I do think that not everyone is as controlled/calculated as Sebhes for example in a 6on6

Then you haven't played enough 6on6's friend.

Have a nice day!
Enjoy your evening, thanks for taking the time to read and respond to this journal.
Don't worry about it friend, have a nice evening and a lovely tomorrow.

Net ff andere thread gecheckt, netjes.
gr8 b8 m8 i r8 8/8
5o5 would be more dynamic than 6o6 too
I love 5on5 but that's probably because I sticked with 2.55 for a long time.
i prefer 5o5 too, both to watch and to play, because it's more dynamic/less static than 6o6
The complete opposite is true... no 6th means fewer clutch plays from multiclassers, panzers/MGs (no MGs at all in 5on5 actually), etc. Some teams would play without a fops, just 3 medics to accompany the smg eng and rifle. 6on6 is far more dynamic.
from my perspective in 6o6 there are always the same classes on the same positions, especially on defense. 1 rifle, 1 fops, 1 engi, 3 medics.
in 5o5 as you say some teams would play without a fops, others might use a fops and leave the engi or 1 medic out, etc.
also since always 1 guy is "missing" somewhere compared to 6o6, so people have to switch positions more often.
not saying that 6o6 sucks tho, i just prefer 5o5 personally.
Actually, 5on5 means fewer players which means fewer deviations from the "standard" playstyle and a less exciting game in general. Many people consider 3on3 boring for this reason - it's very aim-based since teams are mostly composed of 2-3 medics resulting in a lot less spam. Sure, you will see fops at times, but most stages you will not because teams realize it's more advantageous for that player to be a medic instead.

In 6on6, you can afford to have that 6th player switching classes constantly. You will see a second fops, a covert, a panzer/mg, a second eng smg... unlike 5on5 where having a fops at all is often considered risky. Playing with a rifle, eng smg, and fops in 5on5 means playing with only 2 medics which means once that medic is dead and gibbed the opposing team hardly has to worry about gibbing at all any more. 6on6 is way better in my opinion as both a player and a spectator.
i see we have different opinions about this. let's just agree to disagree?
image: Agree-to-disagree1
wtf man!
i'm one of the few guys who argue with you in a normal way and then you treat me like this? really!?
5v5 sucks. Was tried before and didnt go well
PPSH and tripmines too
Lets put doublejump and adre as well, op.
and lets make aniky a league admin!
Molotov cocktail, awp and de_dust2 in mappoll please
Thanks for the input, but I think it might be better if u just stick with low+ games, ty.
Im trying to decrease till gizmo and his friends could be a decent challenge for me
If I could change something, i would change leaning. Actually its totally stupid, the character should be visible while leaning (maybe it could also shoot, SoF style). Shotgun wouldnt be effective since the game is mostly longrange shooting. Playdead adds some fun in the game :D but wouldnt make much difference.

I think it would be seriously fun to implement new things into competitive, we could make the game even better, but doesnt look like anything will happen (there was a nice idea about spawntime changes also, but it didnt happen also).

anyway etpro's source code is still not public i think, so u cant change bigger stuff like this? idk. then we should use another mode as a competition mod.
Starting of, great post, thanks for the input and serious response.
(reps for the SoF mention haha)

Indeed, just wrote some quick suggestions or implementations to spike discussion.
Yea, Foreigner just confirmed that it is indeed still closed, thought so too.
(Quake boy here so)
Mods like CTF (capture the flag) or TDM (team death match) would imply a different set of skills (perhaps a heavier aim-base game and/or movement skills) as well as a different set of tactics, i.e, no more Axis lean and wait while Allies attack furiously. Both teams have to attack and defend at the same time, and I'll leave the rest up to you.

I guess that the closest thing we have to CTF is baserace, but that's a bit boring (flat ground, just go forward and back on an open field).
Great post Jorge, I love CTF indeed, that'd be something Zero / setup / dinius could create with etrun/tjmod.
one venom and telsa per team? also new class uber soldier with 1000hp
its all useless changes unless you take nitmod or NQ guidable panzer with camera
flamer that doesnt burn its user?
nothing needs to be changed, but bring maps like battery and oasis back. Everyone is fine with playing super offensive maps like adler and frost, so why not super defensive maps? ET not like it was 10 years ago, everyone has a good shot and dont think we will see the double full holds we used to. Plus mortar banned now xD
Rofl, you talk so much shit yet you are the one who is online 247 giving feedback to every idea, sure if you did not talk shit 247 but DAMN, give the PC a reset man
you realize i post most of this form my phone while bored at work right?
lets try to not get busted cheating this NC or throw a bitch fit and try to win on a technicality
p90 pls so apricot can rush even harder
Gold nova/MG confirmed.
I would like to see "maxlives" in a test cup.

For exempel 10 lives in 1 round :)
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