wat u eatiN 2015 part1

Hoi xfajjah

wat u eatiN? getting that summerbody !?

I start,

-220gram potatoes
-150gram turkey

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image: 11235874_1614338388782227_1132062277_n

Soon june.
lol what happend with u? :/
i feel u, nice
you not scared that it will explode sooner or later?
Roids happened! :D
Apple should give you something for this free add...maybe some free yogurt
way too ripped already :P
started my 10 week diet last monday, we'll see where i end up :)
im starting may 25 for 2 months cutttt till summer trip!
start your journey to diamond, not ur summer trip :D
cba for that, been plat 1-2 for a very long time now! Just enjoy some games :P
let s have a pina colada sometimes
eat something boy, you look like a starved African child.
too lean imo
You look like you have a growth disease + facial anorexia :| Being fit is one thing but
e: NVM lordi explained

For the rest looking shrekt dude
wat u injectiN ?
Ser bra ut alex =) saknar dina ben n jerry´s bilder dock :D:D
Why so lean? Did you go to any competition or something?

Anyway your food seems nice!
ainda jogas agon? vou reinstalar
nah, o LoL roubou-me do ET ha ja uns 2 anos.. ja nessa altura pouco jogava (porque tinha aulas a noite desde 2009).

O ET já durou muito, time to move on! Bons olhos te vejam though!
Your old face was better :D looking ripped though.
Had schnitzel today, best!
eating beer today
no homo but u looked like better before
lite av dolph lundgren :P
meal prep m8

image: 10393977_758097350964clkl3
looks great!
Are you satisfied with how you look now or do you feel like you aren't yet where you want to be?
*just asking out of general interest
you cant be satisfied when you see urself each day or if you feel like this you neglect it (thats how I think)
always think im skinny and im not done yet
What is your current cycle ?
No, going to start growing in july after vacation.
Just wondering. Do you claim to be natty?
I dont use steriods if that is what you mean
Since i never had a high bf % (never measured the exact % but it's probably in the 8-10 range) I only cut for one month now during may. Started lifting 2 years ago. went from 63 kilo's to 72-73 now. Height is like 1,78m or smth. Normally eating like 3800 kcal a day on a muscle growth based schedule with:
Fat 22%
Carbs 55%
Protein 22%

Now in this month i just eat like 2500 kcal, a lot of green food, chicken and low carb rice/pasta. Drinking only water and coffee, also on the saturday nights for now :)

what are you taking for cut and what for growth? And I was wondering if you use supplements, and what supplements, during cut and bulk? I only take "Dedicated Epic", stopped taking shakes since i doubt it has any effect..
Nothing special supplements,
omega3 10-15 gram a day


Ah ok! Look pretty shred already on the pic, keep up the good work :)
Laat je niet misleiden en denk niet dat jij niet zonder hulp van speciale middeltjes kan bereiken.
Haha iedereen kan alles bereiken zonder "speciale middeltjes"... Roepen / grijpen naar die "speciale middeltjes" is pure mentale zwakte
lmfao u done fucked up
You look like an idiot mate
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