wat u eatiN 2015 part2

Just back from a intense chest - tricep workout

Postworkout shake:
-400mcg ALA
-50gram rice cakes
-50gram whey
-3 eggwhites

Postworkoutfood 1 hour later:
-420gram potatoes
-150gram turkey
image: image1

keep hatin lovers <3
image: 11271100_415463581969630_860392896_n

Time to rest 1-2 hours before last meal.
80gram oats with whey and eggwhites.
over n out
Respect for the dedication you have. It's not something I would have.

Keep it up <3
Hi beautiful <3
Just had a little "cheat", eating some popcorn while watching Game of Thrones.
Leaving for a chest workout now as well.
Stay safe
steroids? not even once
how about shut the fuck up and lift and diet hard not for just 2 month when its summer, maybe for 5 years
+1, looks good!
what If I told you we plan this chat just to get attention from the community :~)
how about shut the fuck up and lift and diet hard not for just 2 month when its summer, maybe for 5 years
how about shut the fuck up and lift and diet hard not for just 2 month when its summer, maybe for 5 years
I'm mirin quite aesthetically pleasing
Left leg looks weird but it's probably the pose :D
how about shut the fuck up and lift and diet hard not for just 2 month when its summer, maybe for 5 years
how about shut the fuck up and lift and diet hard not for just 2 month when its summer, maybe for 5 years
ahahhaahah i bet u have a small penis doe on 4nem XDDDD
bet ur mom likes my back too
ahahahaahahah dont forget to tell your homo steroid mates to sting dem chemicals in you hihihihi

small cock homo hihihihihihi
burek op
burek <3
gibanica <3

I actually like to bake :) :D
haha, balkan food will always beat any of this :D
When u going to Bosna? :D
very interesting.
Do you have a job ALEXL? Who pays all your expenses?

Same question for Scoof.
Yes I work ofcourse
May I ask what you work?
Im student and working each weekend in a club as a barkeeper and 2 times a week in a warehouse
I work in a warehouse too, but full time job. Is not easy,isn t it?
ye need to eat more kcal that I dont get skinny xD
Fuck...after 8 hours there I really don t feel to go to the gym anymore. I m so tired...:(
Fan raka dig.. ser ut som att du ska joina IS vilken dag som helst. Har du pangat något på senaste?
haahhahahahahahaahha pallar inte, ska låta allt växa
nää inte ens startat datorn sen sist vi spela :D
du då?
Samma här.. slängde upp datorn på vinden efter matchen. Lär väl plocka fram den i höst om dirtybomb blir bra:)
image: amuse

just as starter...but just on a weekend...normally the usual shitfood like chicken, noodles, potatoes and salmon...
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