Looking for 2 players CS:GO

Hey hello, legendarny famous cRackeR and friends looking for 2 multinational english speaking players to join epix fun cs community gamingz.

What we expect from you: Not be a stuckup try-hard (only) and enjoy the game a bit.
Have some humor in you ( we prefer the twisted kind of humor)
Be atleast legendary eagle.
And be active on an almost day to day basis.

We play face-it and matchmaking only, and will only play competitively to a certain extent, (occasional 1 day cups etc).

Current 3 players:

- Hupo, makes the best drawings on paint, and if you are approved he will draw something extroardinary
- Vallz, probably a wallhacking piece of shit but only Gaben knows.
-(me) cRackeR, the one and only. 'see how i put my name last? yea im that cool of a guy.

Just leave a post here or just msg me on crossfire, ill be checking in occasionally.
Also shoutout to all the dudes and dudettes i used to play with that are still active here.

Just to add a preview of hupo's talent, i presen to you, Titkebab!!!
image: MwDzbSu
yo cRackeR, long time ago dude :D
ty mai frend
Can play from time to time, rank: supreme
account link : http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198114057234/

LE / currently on streak, should be LEM within 2 wins.
Got faceit free / esea premium.
I never understood the thought behind calling someone "try-hard", what does that even mean? Every single time someone does something half-clever in mm, "tryhards accusations" are flying around (and it has nothing to do with enjoying the game itself).
Its just a stupid excuse that people use when they loose, people cant accept that the opponents is better so they use the term try-hard, retarded imo
nononono, not how it goes for us, when we lose, the opponent is obviously hacking, otherwise we would win all the time.
I'd say try hard is more of definition for "CB-warriors" who are looking to get forfeit win no matter what. Also, try harding would mean like trying hard to be a pro player? I guess, but I don't see any point on playing any online FPS (for teams) games if it's not improve minded playing. So I guess I'm forever a try hard if I play for any team, any game.
Forever shit u mean
Coming from you, I find that rather insulting
are u med skilled allready?
I see, being a victim on incest family is cruel. I'm about to graduate as a social worker, you can call me anytime you feel like talking about your terrible past and how it's still haunting you.
stop raging ;s try to separate life and gaming plz thx
I've separated it, your way of acting just seems to be so bitter, jealous and what so ever I just thought you might have some serious problems on your life
you are bad shut up again
Let me be bad in peace then, though discussions with retards like you are always fun!
trying hard to win is fine, but being a negative bitch if it aint working out, is my definition (our) definition of tryhard.
being a mean negative person while losing has nothing to do with trying to win, regardless of how hard one might try (whatever that means, it's not like I would suddenly be able to "try only half as much as before", that's not how that works). That's just being a bitch, simple as that. But that can be related to how serious people are about a game - if there is nothing else involved but fun, there is no need to be a cunt to others when things go south, agree on that. On the other hand, some people are very hard to take a criticism, even the constructive one.
yup, cant agree more with what you said.
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