21 May 2015, 10:40
Looking for a team or some players to play competition with. I've only been playing public so far, but I'm willing to prac and get better at it. Hope someone wants to take me under his wings :}
You can contact me here on CF or #crossfire on IRC (wra1th). My steam handle is: wra1thnl
You can contact me here on CF or #crossfire on IRC (wra1th). My steam handle is: wra1thnl
If you're interested you can find more detailed information about UT3 engine tweaking from: http://www.tweakguides.com/UT3_1.html and https://udn.epicgames.com/Three/UE3Basics.html
Bindings=(Name="F9",Command="BloomSize 0 | FogDensity 0 | ColorGrading 2 | RawInputUpdateTest true | Stat FPS",Control=False,Shift=False,Alt=False,bIgnoreCtrl=False,bIgnoreShift=False,bIgnoreAlt=False)
Add that to the end of ShooterInput.ini and press F9 in-game every time you start the game. Remember to set the configs you edit to read-only after editing, otherwise it will reset to default.
I can't really remember all the commands to remove explosions etc, but I uploaded my cfg if you wanna try it out: http://www.upload.ee/files/4735500/ShooterEngine.ini.html
Look up ResX and ResY commands to set your resolution. Min/MaxAllowableRefreshRate to change hz value and Min/MaxSmoothedFrameRate to change fps value.
C:\Users\KittET\Documents\My Games\UnrealEngine3\ShooterGame\Config
i deleted all Files in My Documents and reinstalled the Game, changed USB Port. Its just funny because it worked for around 27 hours without any Problems.
naja hab jetzt mal nen Ticket erstellt :S
btw gibt es irgendwie nen wichtigen IRC Channel oder irgendeine ET Community Gruppe?
#dirtybomb bzw dirtycups.gg steam gruppen ka
Some visual settings+FPS showing+resetting keys to false?
That "Control=False..." stuff seems to be at the end of every key bind, don't really know why it's necessary.
I started yesterday and I really like it. It so pace, aim and teamplay oriented.
You have any tips?
mercs you like? I just bought a proxy.
What comes to tips, these vids should be useful to watch:
Bushwacker is currently the best engineer class, Sawbonez best medic, Fragger best assault and Skyhammer best support. You should get loadout cards with KEK-10 for Bushwacker, Crotzni for Sawbonez, K121 or M4 for Fragger and M4 for Skyhammer.
my config: