NC'15 Team Estonia

image: eesti_logo

It's that time of the year once again where people forget their life-active-duties and gather together for couple of nights a week, to play our beloved game and its most successful online cup, NationsCup 2015.

I know that Estonia has had an massive influence on the past 14 (or 15?) NationsCups, where we've been gathering couple of pocals and plenty of pocals, and our little (completely dead) Estonian community is hoping more from me and our Nation, but in this scenario its impossible to put our highest ranking officers out on the field.

However, it's now my job to present this years blue, black & white lineup to you, with what I set my personal hopes around top 5/6 and ofcourse, try always to win and bring 1 more pocal under our wings, which I'm motivated to do with lineup like this:

Finland yEnch (c)
Estonia MCLEOd
Estonia Sinnu
Estonia doppler
Estonia synce
Estonia mata

Estonia subbi
Estonia Ince
Finland LUDA
Estonia tbc

Good luck to all participations!

(not Poland tho, guys still play 6h per day and having fun in pracs without ac and playing with busted cheaters, probably going to boycott the game against them)
Nice introduction, it is nice to have new names in the line up. Will be interesting to see how Estonia will do during the NationsCup. Also nice to see you having ambitions, good luck!
Why are you ignoring the last part? :$
Quote(not Poland tho, guys still play 6h per day and having fun in pracs without ac and playing with busted cheaters, probably going to boycott the game against them)

Thank fuck, finally someone - the twats are nerding every day with Abject lmao
There are few more, besides Abj.
All of them should get banned for playing with busted cheaters!!!!
Thats right, but atm Abj thinks if he goes to lan, its all good now :D I played like 3x better at lan too, thats just bullshit reason to let him play :p
He was shit at lan, atleast 50% of what he was online
ok, even worse, couldnt watch the games myself..
who else is a busted cheater?
Im not the guy who points finger on someone, but the thing whats going on with Team Poland is just unacceptable for Team Estonia.
man you just get raped and your friend(s) were raging as fuck... atleast you could keep that for yourself
you say multiple busted cheaters but only ABJ weve determined as cheater. So how you gonna accuse them of cheating but then not point out the cheaters??
Abj should be currently banned, and 2 guys were very suspicious (Even made some fake moves/trolled them, they fell for it) What else u want? But okay, sorry, had a typo, 1 currently banned cheater and 5 cheater lovers with 2 very suspicious players - Team Poland in 2015
so who is suspected cheater
whats ur point? I said already im not going to give u any names, just going to say "told u" if they are going to be in some kind of list.
my point is i think your just a little salty that they are better than accuse without any proof
u think im salty? I think u are fat and stupid, so what? im not going to say it out loud. You got no idea who I am or what im capable of - I can lose very well, as long as its a fair game. U think I make things up? Why I dont call NL, GER, UK cheaters? I get raped by them all too. Your point is false.
Murican, ignore
you just arent good at this game, sorry
good or not, I understand it enough to say who is cheating and who is not, like the past has shown
yet you havent named anyone you think is cheating
you take abj out of LU you can still put meehow or kirej in there and it probably would make them stronger
meehow - stronger

Meehow - 58 accuracy
rShook on humanaim with high humanaimvalue - 45-50 acc

meehow @ lan 28accurady
Meehow @ LAN - beaten up by killerb0y
lmao bro, you playing ET? let's play sometimes or smth or talk at ts
I only play CS, actually just got LEM.

You got my xfire, correct? Ask sebhes if you don't.
Ts is fine as long as it is on 'xD's server or some other I use.
fuck sebhes the cunt...

gonna catch you up on ts some time then or irc maybe?
Sebhes is my family, please refrain from such wording or the ET Illuminati will strike.

Haha, he may be family, but he's still a fake, acting cunt dude hahahaha...

okay, catch cya on some day bruh
Dafuq is your nickname on IRC, why don't u use bobika ffs...
Also; he's not.
I use my real name bro `godB (`` is alt + 7) hahaha

ofc he is, don't pretend to like him, only because he's your family!!!
Dude how about shut the fuck up and lift and diet hard not for just 2 month when its summer, maybe for 5 years
LOOOOOOOOOOOL I can't do anything, not even lift for two more months bro!
Tbh, depending on the distance, even if you do "fake" movement, they might still preshoot you, because of sounds.
oh god, another murican?
just another cheaterlover.. don't pay attention
Respect for standing up.
I wished people did this years ago against countries like Team NL for playing with faggots like Qyz/N30 , Fost and Mise.
miZ/Se is actually an incredible guy :( so nice, better than those polish twats that steal Dacia
Cheaters tend to be nice guys on ventrilo.
Who gives a shit that he is nice guy? The rest of the team knew he was cheating but didn't care whatsoever. Qyz was banned for like 2 years and returned under the name N30 and all of them knew and they didn't give a shit. Fuck all of them.

If all of the Swedish people who still play with AlexL died of cancer I wouldn't give a damn. That guy should have been perma banned from playing ET ever again at least 4 times. ''But person x or y is a nice guy'' Fuck off.

Look I believe in 2nd chances and you can't blame anyone who didn't know that a team mate was cheating but serial cheaters / game abusers (e.g. foSt and his lag/warp scripts) like this and their buddies who continue to play with them, fuck them.
awesome line-up gl boys !
mant and jyrkz idling all time on xplozion ts, ask them there :s
wb guys! gl
good luck, Nait! oh wait...
mad nerd still mad, keep embarrassing yourself in 2k15
how about shut the fuck up and lift and diet hard not for just 2 month when its summer, maybe for 5 years
Will team Estonia play during the day?

Coz I cant see Night ehehehehehe lelelel :X/:d::d:/D
how about shut the fuck up and lift and diet hard not for just 2 month when its summer, maybe for 5 years
elle est où l'équipe canadienne tabernacle?
gl mata :-D
oh my my cry me a river


jebane low
Luda playing ET now? Damn .....I taught he is busy with FF
No sinche no win!
Toob võidu ära

(not Poland tho, guys still play 6h per day and having fun in pracs without ac and playing with busted cheaters, probably going to boycott the game against them)
Jesus christ, truth is so fucking hard.
Kek Kappa
Freeze ? Night ? oO
Nait doesnt want or cant play for the moment and we made the decision with team to not take freeze this season because of his past few years actions in his NC games + cant rely on that guy nowadays anyways, wasnt hard decision. sorry freeze. but the true story is that he obviously cannot play or has some issues with it, otherwise would be in :D
What happened with him more specifically?
exploded from ego
Youre actually replying as in I wouldve wanted to join the team and play ET :D

muidu edu :)
avi for playoffs
Good luck guys, you should've put LudA and Ince in main line-up, if they are willing to.
your backups used to make me mad back then :D gl eesti!
where is mant? :(
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