how about shut the fuck up and lift and diet hard not for just 2 month when its summer, maybe for 5 years

in response to this comment: "how about shut the fuck up and lift and diet hard not for just 2 month when its summer, maybe for 5 years" that was made by scoof in this journal , i today found the journal where i saw the info of him being spotted with steroids..


inb4 "it was a joke".. get real fucking nerd, uve always been a mentally disabled liar + you're [flag=steroids] ukrainian..

anyways, i wish you a nice life and i hope you die from failing kidneys, liver, heart etc.
oei i see that he hit a sensitive snare
no i just like putting people in their place :)
plus i actually do as he commented; i eat clean and train hard
natty lad <3

E: I thought using steds usually gives you unnatural muscles. That it would look really weird. Looking at Scoof his back it doesn't look very unnatural?
Depends on what he's using and also if he takes in needles :S
i know guys with athletic bodies who are on roids
thanks but i am not really athletic
it doesn't really work that way. your body can look whatever way you want it to, it depends how you train. photo is right here. it's not him being bitter at all. :P
Tim, maak je een grapje of is dit serieus :P?
Pretty sure the secret to a good body is by doing your photosynthesis properly, measuring your O2 and CO2.
Stay shredded brah
only zyzz can judge me
haahahaahhahahah nice fake muscles homo scoof
how about shut the fuck up and lift and diet hard not for just 2 month when its summer, maybe for 5 years before u make journal
hey photo !
Stroids when gymming is like cheats with ET
More like adren while playing ET :P
Trenbolone enanthate, why not acetate?
Pharma mix? I'm guessing that's Sustanon?

beetje tren voor 't droogtrainen toch
Ayy lmao.
Beetje clenbuterol toch, mss voor de lol wat DNP erbij, ez life ez shred.

Btw; Why would you pick sustanon (depending on the mix, is it test blend or is it test/tren??) over pure testosterone enanthate when you already got tren-e in the mix?
How about you stfu and train hard not only for 2 months but for 5 years

Photo I know you since you were a little baby sucking on your mama titties and you ve always been a jurk together with your twin brother tropic, that marrocan piece of ass who pray to fake gods to give him aim and skillz and some balls to match with his creppy voice that he got it after the morrocan government performend illegal experimentz on his azz.

Now I also remember the journal about Scoof roids, and quite honestly I don t give a fuck nigga

The Rock is on roids and he doing fine, Vin Diesel is on roids and he doing fine, but we don t see you nigga...where you at? Hola back and show us what u got.

U to scared to show up your face to lan, when you heard I coming hard to Enschede you changed your mind and dropped off, hiding under your mama skirts.

Nigga you still lame.

Looking forward for your reply, you know I own you hard :D
w t f


scared? :p i was on excersise with my army brigade mate, but i really wanted to come.
So many gymheads on Crossfire these days. This post has more venom that 'Vila busted again'.
Fortunately, some people like MarseilleLeFrancis workout their brain
You can do both :D
:DDDDD always liked your replies.
Ik zie alleen beetje eiwitten? Gewoon
image: 8BqcV

First of all you skinny brainless piece of shit .. how about you still shut the fuck up and lift and diet hard not for just 2 months when its summer, maybe for 5 years!

you are just mirin

What If I told you the chat is faked.. just to get attention from the community? :~) for nerds like you who leave silly comments
now I even got your attention and you sacrifice ur freetime for this

secondly, everybody who is working out for more than 5 years.. is on steroids? Thats just a brainless comment because you didnt even try it. You dont have any potential or dedication for it. Youre just a stupid disco pumping wannabe who is working out 2 months before summer just for a skinny abs.. or type2: you are that kind of fitness noob who is always bulking and stays fat for life with some big arms and bitchtits and fat ass

Just buying Jack3D or some crap pre-workout and creatine for 1 month or some weeks wont make you grow muscle, or drinking whey 4x a day just to replace meat and fish or lifting heavy like a dumbass with a bad back physique i.e when benching or deadlifting just to show off u got strength. Ever tried to eat with a plan, keeping macros, kcal etc. that fit to your length and bodyweight? Guess you just used a plan of a pro thinking you will look like him in some months u silly shit. And maybe for several years? I knew years ago u posted some gym and supplements shit and whats now? Gave up?
Guess you dont even have any idea what youre doing just reading the info facts from supplelments and beliving that shit, thats why you stay small forever.

third: ever heard of light effects etc. when doing photos and pump after workout?? bodyfat? I got 8%, that can be done naturally. With roids you can get under 6%. You look automatically bigger when you're cutting


ever heard contests like this?

Just sad that you dont respect the hard work, leaving mad comments because you didnt even try and lift and stay fat or skinny for life, but if you need help I can tell you more about fitness and bodybuilding to grow maybe some time m8

and maybe show what you got? Hope you got atleast a face

try it first then open your disabled mouth

e: and there is a difference between natural bodybuilders and fitness models if u try to compare me with marc fitt
super cool story. yes im really skinny man. bet u cant even do 5 strict muscle ups with that amazing back of yours. die in your sleep.
so you can do 5 strict muscle ups but look still ugly
im not fat, nor am i the person to go to the gym 2 months before summer. i train all year long, im in the Dutch army, working for the Luchtmobiele Brigade (Air Assault), i train all year long and ive got a fit, strong body, (by only drinking 1 whey shake after training and further i rely on food and nutrition only) without using the stuff that you use.

can you now stop with these long amazing stories of yours, (the fact that you try do defend yourself by writing a whole paragraph about bullshit that everyone knows makes you look like youre lying thus making you look like you try to hide something) making assumptions about how i look and trying to tell me how to diet etc? thanks. and can you do one thing for me? die.
Well then why dont you just shut the fuck up?as if some Supplements were wonders to get a good shape, even todays Food is injected with chemicals. your logic and comments are like a dog. As if you were a doc or studied sports and nutrition and can directly see who is natty or not or some other shit. Just answering to your stupid brainless comments, well mate.. If you would have a nice shape you'd be satisfied with yourself and wouldnt be so mad! Wow,what a wonderchild, im also doing material arts and playing soccer
???? whatsapp screenshot im not mad, but you shouldnt have made this "how about shut the fuck up and lift and diet hard not for just 2 month when its summer, maybe for 5 years" comment, because after u did, i put you in your autism filled place. and now youre mad, writing a whole paragraph about dieting and other bullshit that everyone knows who lifts, its not like youre saying shit thats new to anyone. calm down man, think of your blood pressure, you might die from all that shit that youre taking :')
here the tl:dr version: the chats were faked just to get attention from the community. Aint it easy to delete some messages and safe someone under my nickname just to do this fake screenshot. Just a troll. so hard to understand? vita isnt my best inet mate, isnt he? Maybe ask him?
Thats what I say. You see something, hear something and you belive it without doing any experience. Like you've got a hole in your brain. Thats why I see you don't have any knowledge about it just talking bullshit. Maybe try it first then talk

I can also fake a screen that I met tropic's mom or bought a m5. You'd belive it also, or?
holy shit youre mad as fuck..

Quoteinb4 "it was a joke"..

thats why I didnt answer to his journal whether he deleted it
Come on man, don't be like that, you know it's not his fault. Roids seriously mess up your brain.
Having a well shaped and muscular body has nothing to do with the strength you've got..
he talks bullshit about me being fat, so i call him out aswell about muscle ups. just action-reaction. but for real, get off my back please, its almost as if youre trying to defend this wannabe snoop kid with a severe case of autism.
off my "back" :D
just out of curiosity why don t you post a pic of yourself?

You can post your face or your back, we could not tell anyway :)) but still we would have an idea of what you re talking about, mr dutch army lol
everyone who went to Adroits ET Masters saw me and how i looked, so ask them, make a journal or something :*
man's physic is full of roid heads. They claim they are natural to get more attention and fame. Anyway stick to natural bodybuilding this is the only healthy way, but the longest and hardest.
I take it as a different sport, pointless to compare. And if ppl say you are on juice just laugh dont even give an answer they dont deserve it.
I'll hire you as my personal trainer, 6000e/kk is that fine?
Don't knock it until you have tried it.
I'll see you when we're both not so emotional
lol sup photo :D:D:D

loled @ kidney failure
hey theodor mate :))
hello photo mate

how are kevin and that creature exceed that i forgot his name :{
they are doing fine i think haha, kevin and sebastiaan! :P
yes kanker sebastian :D

and how are you photo? forgot your name :(

im good thx, and you? my name is kevin aswell :p
im great
missing playing with you guys :{

i miss the old days alot!
photom8 xo
elementm8 :) xx
tl;dr pls?
Scoof accused of using roids because of a fake pic, scoof called kevin fat.(which heis not)
ty captain!
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