Dirty Bomb - is it worth it?

So it's been a while since the game has been in alpha and beta testing, many of users here have keys to try out and play the game. What I was wondering was, do you think this game and current build and where it's heading is going to be a popular and worthy e-sports game or not? What are your thoughts, will it peak in popularity in e-sports scene or will it just vanish into memories for people who enjoy it so far?
The game is in beta or alpha for like 2 years and it's still the same as it was 2 years ago :DDDDD
Yes pretty much, just minor or somewhat bigger changes.
I gave it another try and i Kinda enjoyed more. The classes similar to the et ones are fun to play but feels unbalanced sometimes. Time will tell i guess but it has more future than et thats for sure
got it, but boring
stfu u only got bored cuz u were getting rekt big time, every damn round u end up with a score of 1/11 gay ass noob askin me how i aim like that can't even shoot gun and shit noob
p2w micropayments, dont like that
It's not perfect, it's not finished. But if you're looking for the some ET feeling in a new game, this will probably the best option you're ever going to get.

edit: dunno why that replied to slajdan :D missclick I think
30K watched him play enemy territory once too, the guy just plays any ranom game that is requested / he is paid to play
yep, it cant do anything but help the game.
:O when? vod pls
last year some time, vods only last like 2weeks. Think he played it for like 30mins max - was getting destroyed on fueldump public
In ET if you go public and you get owned you know you're just a noob or you search excuses like "he's a cheater" or w/e.

In Dirty Bomb if you go public when you hit level 6 you need to put something hard in your pants at the back, otherwise you get raped by lvl17 ish guys, not even phunny. Buy classes or otherwise ur stuck with a shotgun :DDDDD fucking retarded game
Or you could make up excuses for being ignorant? You don't need to buy anything buddy, you get a massive amount of credits and cases going from 1 to 6, more than enough to get an additional 2 classes if not 3. AND more than enough cases to quite likely have every gun unlocked there is... And they even boosted those credit rewards recently too!
Seriously. This game is as much p2w as LoL or Dota is.
I may be wrong but in LoL you don't get any advantage if you buy stuff. I mean anything you can buy can be gotten with time.
With DB certain classes can only be unlocked with moneyz from what I understood. Again, I may be wrong I haven't played this game enough to know about it.
You're wrong. Now, let's start off with the fact that I'm not a huge fan or supporter of Dirty Bomb's system, but.. it's most definitely not pay2win.
Everything can be unlocked - everything - with "in-game credits", which can be obtained by playing. Simple as. You play, you get credits, the more you play, the more you get. You get 3 daily missions that give you each 600 credits as well upon completion. Everything can be bought with credits, cases, characters, loadout upgrades. There's nothing a "paying user" can get that a non paying user can't. Additionally to that, new accounts get a MASSIVE boost to credits, I believe you get anywhere in the range of 90-130k just from playing your way up to level 5, which takes what? 2? 3? hours tops.

Specifically cases, you get a TON of cases. I think I've opened up about 200 of them at this point, if not more. Literally, you get 2-3 cases/hour by just playing, which can be opened free of charge and give you the aforementioned perks/weapons/loadouts for any character.
surely down the road a competitive mod will remove any differences between accounts?
One would hope so. The whole "Loadout" shenanigans are subject to change anyway. The only "advantage" they offer as of right now are the differences in weapons, you can get, for a specific class. Which is supposedly going to be a free-to-choose option.
I am level 6 and i got 7 cases and 30k currency (enough for 1 class).
So hmm? :D
I'm 17, have every class, a gold/silver loadout card for every single one, opened over 150 cases and have 90k credits. Your point?
QuoteI believe you get anywhere in the range of 90-130k just from playing your way up to level 5
Quote Buy classes or otherwise ur stuck with a shotgun :DDDDD fucking retarded game

Open your cases? Play more? Get more cases? Play more? Get more chars? It takes literally 2 hours of playtime to get to 6. OH NOES, SO MACH PAY2WINZ.

Shall we make comparisons? LoL has over 100 champions, many of which are 6300IP or more, 200IP per game if you're lucky. You need roughly ~15 rune pages filled to support the majority of champions, that's another 6300IP per page, 90(?) per rune, 250 per quints even.

Stop being an ignorant fuck and don't make claims you can't support.

You get 20k per level up, or used to, from 1 to 5. If you spend your credits on god knows what, that's your won fault really. I have a smurf that's level 9 and has 7 out of 9 classes unlocked too. Not to mention the FREE 3 characters that are always on rotation. You also realize you can use a SMG/Rifle on EVERY class, right? There isn't a single class that's restricted to shotguns only.
QuoteI am level 6 and i got 7 cases and 30k currency (enough for 1 class).

QuoteI believe you get anywhere in the range of 90-130k just from playing your way up to level 5

QuoteYou get 20k per level up, or used to, from 1 to 5
Whether how much you get per level is true or not, what's true is that the more you play, the more credits you get. You can buy EVERYTHING that's in the game by just playing. Just like you can unlock champs in LoL by playing... idk why people are even calling that pay to win. Pay to win is if I paid and got better mercs/guns that you can't get by playing.

EDIT: I paid for the Alpha access and I was gifted some load outs (cards) when the closed beta rolled out (3 I think, with the Obsidian load outs). By the way, you can get the same exact load outs if you combine cards to get a Bronze card. Out of the 3 free Obsidian load outs, I don't use any because I unlocked better ones by playing the game and using the in game credits to combine cards.
where did i say it was pay to win? i said you're stuck with a shotgun if u want to play medic and are unlucky with loadouts. I know you can combine them but that costs credits aswell, and since you want to save up for better classes ...
db : pay2win
et : skill
I think its not bad, but it needs a lot of work still before its finished. Also i dont know why a lot of ppl are saying its p2w, its absolutely not. Even the best loadout cards often just gives you some silly stuff, nothing important. In ET also if the levelling is enabled, your weapon will be more accurate, you get an extra clip, you take less dmg from explosion etc., so its similar to that. But yea i think in competitive play, these loadout cards should be disabled, so every1 would use the default ones.
I agree on the point that in competitive only default loadout cards should be allowed, makes it more equal.
I have played ET, ETQW and Wolfenstein(yea that new one) and from these games ET and ET:QW are by far the best. I know most people didn't like the vehicles in ETQW, but with ETQWPro the game really improved and that game gave me the best 'ET' Feeling, especially when playing Volcano or Salvage in 4on4. (no vehicles) Wolfenstein was not that bad with Wolfpro, but the game was not finished. I really liked Brink in the start, but it was not finished either and not fit for competitive play.

If i compare these games to Dirty Bomb than I think ET and ETQW are still far superior, but DB is not finished. And it seems they are really trying to create a proper game. Will it be a huge game in E-sports? I think it will be bigger than Wolfenstein/Brink/ETQW seeing all those competitive players that I know from ETQW/Brink and ET already playing it in beta. But I don't expect it to become a huge E-sports game if you compare it to other E-Sports games like CS:GO. ET was not a huge E-sports game either, but still many people enjoyed it and if Dirty Bomb can reach that level it would be great.
Agree with QW the only problem was that when ETQW Pro came out the game was already dead :P but hannes did a good job back then. Wolfenstein was just a huge mess :

In QW u had a similar movement like in ET thats thing im missing the most in DB
Yes, the SDK was just too late. I just started playing ET:QW when ETQWPro was released, because I was unable to play the game before because I was in the hospital. Even though the competitive scene was not that big, it was a pretty active community. We did not had many problems finding matches, until the scene really died in 2009 http://www.gamestv.org/event/12165-kapoks-vs-o-zon3rs-multigaming/
Everytime I see your nickname I get reminiscences of dHb.
Really? I have only played a couple of matches with them, not even officials. I was removed the team an then formed Hyperion with abort, efax, rezta, yullaw, bullvox, appel, pyro and kris to name a few. With Hyperion I played one official 3on3 against dhb and won but that was it.
It's exactly that match you played against dHb that I specced from my friend's computer when you where playing with hyperion, YOUR name is the only nickname I do remember from that game :)
Yea that was in the first 3on3 cup on Clanbase. After that round we played S3 Black ( at that time 2nd place Euro ladder and tied with DSky in a previous game) won after decider on battery :DDD
In the final we played against mama his clan #GUG# and we beat them aswell. I played mainly with my brother rezta, aemkei, angel and in the group phase abort instead of aemkei and angel.
not liking the engine and dont find the shooting mechanics challenging enough (aim is not big enough part of the game).
also the history of games like ET:QW, BRINK etc doesnt make me hopeful at all. this game seems extremely similar, so why would it succeed?
this is after 30minutes of playing. will be testing more later, but doubtful i will change my mind much
Try to get in pugs and even in some team scrims as the game is completely different from the pubs. I'd say aiming is a huge part of the game. Even more so than ET.
Still, I really doubt it will ever get anywhere near CS:GO's level.
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