Baserace gaming today!

Looking for some players to get some baserace action tonight at 22:00 GMT+2

Hope to get an 8on8 or 10on10

Two captains will make a team by picking players from the playerpool

Current players:
  • Netherlands Kri
  • Estonia sCope
  • Belgium ROYALGOON
  • Morroco KENNY MAC
  • Poland vudka
  • Estonia gytt

You can find me at #baserace or #draakjes

image: game53046
avi to plant mines
dafuk sCope you still playing ET ?! how are you ?!
yo, I just installed ET :) I'm "ok" :D
2v2 baserace seems fine too
eurovision > ET gg?
still avi? join #baserace we start in 30 minutes
I had the best baserace team ever, was fun, gg!
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