Modifiers for keybindings

Heya everyone.

I have a problem :D My hands are actually supertiny and I have trouble to reach some keys on my keyboard without lifting my whole hand, which also leads to missclicks and weeeeird movement. So how do I change for example 5,6,7 to ctrl + 1, ctrl + 2, ctrl + 3 and so on? I use to modify my keys in other games like this, but so far I had no succes to make it work in ET. Anyone knows how to do it?

Cheers :3
To be honest I don't even know if that's possible in Q3/ET (never thought of that), but it would be possible for instance to script CTRL to swap through weaponbanks 5/6/7.
bind ctrl "+vstr xctrl_a xctrl_b"

set x1_a "echo a"
set x1_b "echo b"

set xctrl_a "bind 1 vstr x1_a"
set xctrl_b "bind 1 vstr x1_b"
vstr xctrl_b

are there keyboards with smaller buttons?
Thanks, will try this one out! :) And yeah there are, but I'm used to the normal ones. I really love my mechanical keyboard, so I just make my way around with modifiers :D
faggot with small hands :s
... I'm a girl ...
image: mind_blown
faggot with small hands :s
girl with small hands :s

makes tele's dick look bigger though
how about shut the fuck up and lift and diet hard not for just 2 month when its summer, maybe for 5 years
faggot with small hands :s
bind ctrl "+vstr wp567 wpdefault"
set wp567 "bind 1 weaponbank 5; bind 2 weaponbank 6; bind 3 weaponbank 7"
set wpdefault "bind 1 weaponbank 1; bind 2 weaponbank 2; bind 3 weaponbank 3"
Thank you very much, it works like a charm :))
skillboost inc
haha I wish x)
You're welcome.
you could download a macro for that. Just google "keyboard macro" , will allow you to bind 2 keys to 1, e.g: W-> W+F
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