Punkbuster tips? Windows7

Played this game several years ago and came back recently. Unfortunately I got some problems at start. I installed everything properly using ohurcools guide, but after connecting public servers like nbs, turning off the game and turning on again I have some issues with aim. I mean, it is not sharp as it should be. I know that pb is shit, so maybe it is the reason of that? I have now win7 home premium...

Do u use windows firewall? Are there any well known solutions to solve this? Should I unblock some services?

Or it should working well without changing anything? Im playing on maus config right now from his twich site, just for fun.

GImme some advices pls.

PS of course vsync and threaded optimization off.

www.etkey.org // if you got everything and you run it as administrator it should work m8 , gl
e: you should install your ET from there
Ive just downloaded harlekin installer. SHould I install et from this? And what about some additional things:

Additional Setup options:
Install current PunkBuster Client Version: (v2.254 | A1382) Server Version: (v1.809 | A1382 C2.254)
Check if etkey is needed and download from http://www.etkey.org
Install PunkBuster service installer (pbsvc.exe)
Install Enemy Territory Minimizer (WinXP/Vista/7)
Install Start Menü shortcuts for ET, PB, Minimizer & Help Files

Should I go through that?
  • /cg_drawfps 1 en tell us what fps you have
  • Tells us your ping
  • What mouse are you using? If the mouse has issues, you might only notice them in a fast game like ET but not in regular internet browsing
  • Right click ET.exe->properties->Compatibility tick the run this program as administrator and run this program in windows xp mode.
Thank you.

I have 125 fps, but not stable all the time : 123-125. On several maps around 100 (adler). I use crt monitor 120 hz, r_mode 6.

Ping at start is shaking - I got lags for 20-30 sec at the beginning and then rather stable 50-60? SOmething like that, but I have to look more precisely on that.

I use ss xai, 450 cpi. I used markc to disable acceleration in my windows 7.

Ill try this compatibility thing.
Whats your preferred resolution?
You can use the following for custom resolution:
"r_mode -1"
"r_customHeight XXXX" (or your desired Height resolution)
"r_customWidth XXXX" (your desired Widht resolution)

you could change your r_mode
use "r_displayrefresh 120" ingame

dont forget to do a "vid_restart"
pb_sleep "500"
Enhance pointer in your mouse settings? :D and MarkC sometimes doesn't work in Win7
Enhance pointer off.
r_primitives 2
I will try, thanks
Quoteseta cl_punkbuster "1"
pb_LogToFile "0"
pb_Lan "1"
pb_system "0"
pb_security "0"
pb_sleep "500"
pb_cdkeyverauto "0"
PB_SsLog "0"
PB_SsSave "0"
I will try this. Thank you
get pbprior. you can set the priorities of ET.exe and pnkbstr A & B to high with it. you can also do that from taskmanager but the priorities will reset after every round, hence the pbprior.
thanks, Ill try it :)

how many cores for each process? et and both pnkbstr?

I think it is better now! but also found that playing without these processes is the best (but server kicks u after one minute).

fantax, is there anything more about these two processes? I forced them by pbprior to high priority and all 4 cores. Is better for sure, but maybe there is something else?

Of course ,ders lot more into-depth stuff you can actualy do..
Anyway, best thing is to get rid-off some unwanted win7-services such as "Windoze-search.function" etc. etc..
afaik ET.exe supports only one core, the rest you can put on max number of cores you got.

also you can try:

disable visual themes and desktop composition (right click on ET.exe -> compability)

com_hunkmegs after 128 is pointless
r_mode is a big factor (if you have problems filling the whole screen with low r_mode and r_fullscreen 1, try going to your pc's videocard settings and search for "scale full screen" (worked for me)
r_primitives 2
r_displayrefresh, you can leave it to 0. it will automatically use the refreshrate of your screen.
r_drawfoliage 0 (put if in cfg, otherwise doesnt work)
cg_atmosphericeffects 0 (removes the atmosphere effects)

Alot of the stuff these people are saying is just nonsense.

All you need to do for ET is have the game, a pb folder (inside your ET directory) and an etkey. You don't need to install PB or anything like that anymore.

Also your aim may be off because of mouseaccel. Maybe you have a different mouse now? Maybe you didn't apply the mousefix?

PB folder for ET: http://sunnyvale-et.com/downloads/pb.rar
Mousefix: http://donewmouseaccel.blogspot.com/2010/03/markc-windows-7-mouse-acceleration-fix.html
etkey: http://etkey.org/ (ignore what the site says. Just dl the etkey and put in etmain folder)

EDIT: after reading some replies I just have to correct this misinformation..

  • MouseFix DOES work on Windows 7. There's a clear difference and I've done it for others and it worked for them too.
  • There's no reason to run ET in XP mode on 7. It works fine from the start... unless this is a specific hardware/driver problem on your computer. I and others have played ET on 7 for years without the need for compat. mode.

What Krii said about vid_Restart I noticed is a BIG DEAL When you have r_displayRefresh not default. Sometimes the game has a certain "unsmoothness" and you need to vid_restart to fix it on higher refresh rates. Also ET may be changing your refresh rate sometimes. I'm not sure what causes it but sometimes I notice the game isn't as smooth as usual and I check my monitor refresh and it's back on 59Hz instead of 100. Changing it then vid_restart fixes it every time.
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