*EDIT2* Enemy Territory and Streaming

*EDIT 2* Adetos solution worked and no lags at all! thx adeto <3

*EDIT* Lightning and me just figured out that my cfg actualy causes the problem, when i loaded his config the fps were quite stable and when i execed my config they dropped like crazy, (r_primitives 2) enables tho.
would be cool if someone maybe could watch over it and knows where the problem comes from since i dont know shit about it and want to keep playing with it

heres my cfg : http://www.file-upload.net/download-4795696/test.cfg.html

Hey guys, i have a weird problem, i would like to stream all of my ET matches but when i start OBS, and click "Start Streaming" i get fps lags, normaly i have constanly 125fps ( just the 5 is moving to 4 abit) but its rly fluently.If i start streaming its changing the whole time from 100-125 i dont have a stable number at all and it feels laggy to play, to move the cursor already feels laggy ( dunno how to explain), just shaky overall.

Here are my Computer Specs : http://prntscr.com/7a1ddl
Internet : http://www.speedtest.net/my-result/4389923899

my OBS Settings :
Encoding : http://prntscr.com/7a1dkx
Video : http://prntscr.com/7a1e41
Advanced : http://prntscr.com/7a1edp

The weird problem now is , that it is only with ET, if i stream lol or csgo i got like 300fps stable and no lags at all.

Would be very thankful if someone is here to help me, already spoke with alot of guys but no one really knows how to fix it.

*EDIT* http://www.file-upload.net/download-4795696/test.cfg.html
try to use 1:1 resolution in OBS, that helped me a lot, you said for other games its ok, but still
and what about setting cpu affinity of ET to one core and OBS to others?
already tried nothing changed, and what do you mean with 1:1 resolution?
to set resolution downscale to none in OBS video settings
didnt work either
At video settings, try to change filter, put lower
didnt work also :(
300 fps in lol

ja guuuut
So many people streaming ET now :o
OBS -> Advanced -> General "Use Multithreaded Optimizations" is ticked. Doesnt that cause problems if its set "on" in gpu drivers? I would say that causes your lower fps

EDIT. nvm if it worked on other cfg :d
i can try it out tho :p *E* doesnt help either
Same shit problem, thats why i dont stream ET... got 300 fps in csgo and lol but when i stream ET its just bad and unplayable :(
ur problem is that u dont have nvidia nvenc
what does that nvidia nvenc bring btw? i got it but dont use it while streaming. tried it out once
encodes using your GPU as opposed to CPU. For games that are CPU heavy (such as ET) this could boost your FPS a lot.
Is that problem i've got an ati card? (R9 270X)
i got the same card :D
We will never stream normally then i see :XD
haha :D, well the weird thing i just found out now as merlinator wrote is if i downscale my resolution to 800x600 it is working quite good,but its fucking scretched and i cant play with it :/
Use NVIDIA NVENC if you have an nvidia card. If you have an AMD Card you can use AMD VCE. This puts the encoding process on the GPU rather than the CPU, games like ET that run heavily on the CPU(especially on modern CPU's with lower clockspeeds than some of the powerhouse dualcores from the ET days) will struggle with maintaining a stable FPS due to streaming being a pretty heavy CPU process.

NVENC is standard available with the normal OBS build, but AMD VCE is (currently)only available in a separate non official build which you can find here: https://obsproject.com/forum/threads/obs-branch-with-amd-vce-support.13996/ This thread also has a lot of info if you need help with settings etc but if you are going to try this and have questions let me know and ill help you out :)

GL :p
Yo, thanks! When i get home i will try it ;)
Np, let me know how it went :p Just a tip, for the first time leave the 'AMD VCE Encoder'-settings for what they are(dont change stuff) fucking around with those values can really mess your stream up or possibly your gpu(heating etc).
Okey i would do in that way anyway :D
insanely good <3 gonna stream so hard by now :D
Oooh, I still think it's because my PC is old as fuck but atleast some hope!

I can't find any dl link in it though :o
the first post, 'last binaries' [32bit][64bit]
There is no reason at all for kresti to use NVENC, since ET barely takes anything on his CPU. And his CPU is the best part of his PC compared to the video card so no point in lowering quality of the stream by using NVENC.
Didn't say its the fix-for-all solution. But it's a known thing that ET runs mostly CPU and encoding runs mostly CPU aswell. Running GPU based encoding however is a 'fix-for-all' for taking stress of your CPU so if anything it's likely to help to some degree.
would lower bitrate to like 2200-2500 maybe, also looked @ cfg r_primitives is set to 0 :p also maybe set your res to ingame resolution and scale down if you feel (you use 1600x900 in ET?)
r_primitives 2 only works for ATI/AMD
works for newer nvidia cards aswell
since some recent driver I had to use primitives 2 with nvidia as well
well its quite working with 800x600 ( iam playing with 1600x900) but if i use 800x600 the screen is scretched and it feels like iam moving 10meters in 1sec, i cant play with that :D
btw if you use GPU encoding, you might want to make your bitrate slightly higher as GPU seems to give a lower quality compared to CPU when you use the same bitrate for both. but this depends on if your internet allows for a higher bitrate :p
if you play 1600x900 that is fine with scaling to 1280x720 like you have already :)
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