fragvid creation: missing headshot sound

I'm trying to make a video and I have a demo with headshots in it that play as body shots when I pass it through uvMovieMod.

My first thought was it was the demo and the server had custom hitsounds.

I tried modifying uvMovieMod-0.0.6-other.pk3 to have the hitsounds in /sound/etpro instead of /sound then I tried copying the etpro pk3 into uvMovieMod folder and also tried creating my own zzz-etprosounds.pk3 with sounds copied from etpro pk3. None of this stuff worked.

Edit: I was able to record the right sound in normal etpro with imageET but would still prefer being able to do it all in 1 game instance.
Might be that you played on a corrupted version of the mod or something.

easy fix: download Pakscape, go to the etpro folder, open etpro3_2_6(??).pk3, take the headshot.wav and edit them in yourself :)
the hitsounds are already in uvMovieMod actually and I said in my post that I took the hitsounds from etpro and put them into the mod.

Also you don't need pakscape for pk3s, you can just use winrar ;D
have you got the headshots in uvmoviemod working?
I haven't messed with that stuff in a while but I checked the folder and found "uvMovieMod-0.0.6-other.pk3" containing hitsounds.
You shouldn't use uvmoviemod any ways, it's full of bugs. ETPro is better.
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