Lions Community new ET team

LowLandLions is an organization of professional gaming athletes, which originates from the Benelux. Our goal is to nurture aspiring potential and grow the next generation of e-Sports athletes.

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Over the last couple of years 'Lowlands' has spawned a great deal of talent. Unfortunately very few had the opportunity to develop into professional athletes due to insufficient support. LowLandLions gives both new and established talent the chance to compete at the highest level under the wings of a well structured organization. Based on a select number of criteria, LowLandLions will continuously scout and recruit young potential, and is therefore a representation of the best the Benelux has to offer.

Our goal is to become an ambassador for e-Sports by striving for its main stream acceptance for the benefit of professional gamers and gamers alike around the world.

The Enemy Territory team of the lions consists out of players who have a brief history with the game. Some of them played on the highest level possible.

image: wset Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory

» Main line-up
Hello, my name is Matias 'caej' Yliluoma and I’m from Finland. I am 22 years old. I've been playing ET active since early 2004 so I was around 11 years old when I started playing this game. I stopped playing on 2012 due to work and university, but realized computer science studies weren't for me. I started playing again in 2013 as I had the time to do that. I've always played medic, but nowadays I can do any class and role except rifle engineer.

Hi Im Jeroen "eron" A. and I'm from Belgium. I'm studying communication sciences at the University of Antwerp and I'm very busy with that. I started playing Enemy Territory in 2005 and I'm still enjoying it. My role in this team is to be the reviving noob medic, going negative damage all the time but doing important work for the team. I hope this line-up will work out fine and I can attend my 3rd LAN as a player and my 7th LAN in general with them.

Hello my name is Zsolt 'Fobje' Kesztler and I am from Hungary. I am 27 years old and I work in an Oil-refinery as a fireman. I am playing this game since 2003-4 but I stopped playing it in 2008. I came back to play before the ET Reborn LAN and I realized I still enjoy it so I keep playing it :). I used to play Fdops and Medic but nowadays I am rifle too so let’s say I am an allrounder.

My name is Marcuz ’gyzr’ Larsen, I’m 25 years old from Denmark and currently studying international marketing and economics in Copenhagen, Denmark. I have played RTCW and Enemy Territory since the beginning. My competitive gaming started with Enemy Territory. My main role is to be the reviving medic and make sure to keep my team alive.

I'm ReturneR from France. I'm playing ET since 8 years with some break and I still enjoy to play! I'm playing rifle but I can play smg as eng or medic. I like to play some 3o3 too. I played in many french random team before playing in euro team like inner-sens, pstarz, hFe, Enhanced etc. More recently i was playing for pharaons but they are inactive now.

Hey, my name is ViKO and I'm currently 20 years old. I'm in my second year of Chemistry. I've started playing ET in 2011 with jeewee & playmobiel. With the start of the Provinciecup BE/NL, I noticed that eron went to the same school as I did. That was the start of nerding together hard, till Adroits LAN, where we performed well in my opinion. I prefer playing engi smg. I've played in greejtsjot/EUNd/sereNity and a tons of 3o3 teams with timbolina.

» Back up
My name is Jelle, I'm 23 years old. I study Commercial Sciences at the University of Ghent (Belgium) and I'll graduate in september. My hobbies are volleyball, fitness and running. I've played RTCW for the past 10 years on a high competitive level. I've only made the switch to ET last month because RTCW has become too inactive. I still have a lot to learn on ET but I'm very grateful to get the chance to play for LowLandLions. I will do my best to prove myself in the upcoming months :)!

image: ETartikel_l

Support our team by liking our Facebook page! We will keep you up to date of all that is going on.

image: Steam
image: facebook
image: internet-web-browser
yo we esports now?
Good Luck!
Good luck! :)
gl fobje gyzr !
gl fobje gyzr !
Quoterepresentation of the best the Benelux has to offer.

Two guys from Benelux :D
That org name sounds familiar
mdr caej boy
returner aie aie aie la phamille hf poto
viens avec moi ! Aufaite repasse sur ts un de ces 4 je t'ai donner un mauvais numéro la PHAmille !
Nice GL guys
2 weeks :S
There never have been a single 2 weeks team on ET.

Kappa ikr?
not even close to our dragons lineup
gl friends
Didnt you want to be part of the lineup yourself?

Either way, gl.
wait, who?

gl fobje
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