Greatest ET player of all time?

after watching thorin talk about faker being the greatest in all aspects of the game,
who do you think was the greatest et player?

was it Night? never had a bad game as far as i remember, always managed to carry with spam/gamesense
mAus/mystic? greatest aimers? tho i think mAus was more consistent, mystic was more like butchji, awesome headshots for their period of time playing ET
sqzz maybe? crazy movement, crazy aiming since the comeback few years ago, crazy medicskills

i think id go for Night

who impressed you the most?
I believe the closest we're going to get to a greatest ET player of all time would be Estonia Night.

The players I admired the most and would consider 'personal influences' are Finland mystic, Finland Xpaz, Finland jauhis, England Mztik, Wales sqzz, Sweden FeTTe, Netherlands overboost, Netherlands Azatej, Netherlands teKoa and Germany butchji.
if it was about personal influence then Germany butchji
And Mayni.
Estonia Night for sure
is this hltv?
To me great players would be people who can excel at the game without a need for 'the best aim'. Which is why half of these insane aim based players like mAus butchji teKoa who are mainly known for their aiming ability, imo, aren't the (or even close to)greatest players. I'd go more for players like Night, Clown, drago, JaKaZc, Matias because those players from my perspective(never played with any of them actively myself in a team so) also do insanely well when their aim is slightly off for the day. They're teamplay/gamesense/insight/experience is what makes them playmakers and valuable to their team rather than players whose play is based around outaiming players.
don't forget about lepari then!
Estonia reload

Finland saintt, Estonia Night, Belgium mAus, Germany butchji, Finland kmble, Netherlands aphesia, Hungary Future, Finland Sample, Finland squall, Finland ENSAM, Finland Raveneye, Finland mystic, Poland kot

forgot Germany snoop, I guess that makes it my top15!
läski samit :DDDDDDD
One of the best Finnish players was Finland chmpp. I see you forgot him in your little list.
aimwise yes
I saw enough games where Night had a bad game, mainly in team Estonia. Without his usual teammates and teamplay/communication he couldnt perform that good.

I think the greatest of all time must be mAus, his impact was so huge on important games, i think he was the reason why TLR won those LANs and cups.

If I'd pick a player who was really good allround, it must be rELOAD. He had sick aim, sick movement, sick game knowledge, really enjoyed his playstyle ;)
Answer is simple, its [flag= god]upload. Wonder how can u call such medskills as butchji or azatej when upload was here...
Relating a scrub game like LoL which is essentially a dumbed down moba game to the greatest player in ET :DDDD
aimwise reload maus kresti
playwise night sqzz chry (stray)

But really, Night is definitely the most influential player in ET. From U96Dasboot until now, always performed well and led teams to victory

saintt was quite amazing too
Must be Night
Night, best allrounder of all times (inactivity excluded). Then again e.t is so diverse, a few were the best e.t players
for Estoniareload, Latviaclown,Polandkot
for Netherlandsjay, Finlandmystic, BelgiummAus
for Germanybutchji, Polandwrobel, Italyxylos
Would probably say Estonia Night, as he's won it all there is and was massive influence in every team he's been part of, also I think his aim (along with clown) is ridiculously underrated and that they are actually really, really strong aimers...

But apart from him Belgium mAus, don't know why people say he's only an aim beast or dmg whore, mostly carried his teams at LANs almost to the victory, but always came short, somehow (apart from Anexis huehue)

Or Wales sqzz who's my hero, the best all round player (although he never actually got to show his rifling skills that much in offis...), his incredible movement, sense for teamplay, the sickening aim... Only bad thing about him is that sometimes it's fucking hard to understand what's he saying lol

E: someone should create Crossfire awards celebrating the last 12(13?) years of the game :D
QuoteOnly bad thing about him is that sometimes it's fucking hard to understand what's he saying lol

That's the easiest part :D
Estoniareload and Polandupload
U forgot about unloAd, the chilean aim overlord.
xD sure I forgot him.

I wonder why nobody has mentioned Polandupload ( except u and me of course ) because I think he was clearly the god of aim in 3v3. I mean 6 hs long shot as allies in et_beach is classic for him, obviously Estonianight can't do such things like that.
you can't be serious about that upload thingy...
Me obviously.
Finland Netherlandsswanidius
Finland ORDER) hukk
I'm jumping on the bandwagon, EstoniaNight has such an amazing understanding of the game. I remember playing some late night mix games with him and some other pro's and was simply astonished by the leadership. I had never experienced game like this, the quick organization and analyzing the game.

I'm also giving a medal to United KingdomR0SS, he isn't the greatest of all time but he certainly is one of the best players from 2012 on (don't pin me on the year). Also amazing leadership, game sense, objective orientated and his aiming and spamming skills are also top-notch.

Both United KingdomR0SS & EstoniaNight are amazing all round players and excelling as captains.

And of course we also have United Kingdomsqzz for his amazing play style, movement, teamplay and aim. &Keyboard balancing skills.
United Kingdomfumble is the best etplayer in et.
Hungary r0n1n, Logic, inf3rno, Szovjet, Zenith, Isl4m, Seewi, DooM, eqzy, menace, sevra + Gabsz or d3st as the best Rifle Hungary ever had.
sounds like a list of wanted criminals
Night. Around 10 years playing on the highest levels is pretty impressive, and as some of you say he is a great leader. I think a great player should be able to control many aspects of this game and Night is all-round.
minä mä ja meitsi
1 ) Kris
2 ) Snoop
3 ) Jauhis
Estonia Night in his prime. he is the original innovator. nobody else comes close. it would take entire articles to fully explain the affect he's had on ET.
United Kingdom sqzz has mastered movement, medicwork and aiming. if any reviving or aiming medic wants to improve his/her game, ever, they need to spectate him, because he's become proficient in both.
Italy XyLoS could play absolutely any role and still have the biggest impact on a match, both in simple & important plays and overall kills/damage contribution.
Interested in your notions about Night, would you mind typing a bit, might be bullet points idc.
Also, much respect to the three guys you mentioned.
his entire game is based around outsmarting his opponent and doing something they may not expect. he doesn't really play ET anymore but he played a 3on3 with Clown and razz against me sometime before the LAN, he was pretty rusty as it was his first game in months (or even a year). but there was one point on goldrush where he was heading to bank as allies while we (axis) were holding the other two around the CP area, so I went to chase him outside the bank, I hit him fair dmg and he ran inside. I expected him to have stayed in the bank somewhere but he circled around (taking ~5sec walking) and killed me from the 3rd arch while I was in front of bank, making no noise until he managed to start shooting. other players would just take that situation into a 1v1 aimbattle or go for gold, hope to win the duel, but he just completely outsmarted me and got me on a ~15-20sec full.

it may sound pretty simple to you but honestly in highskilled 3on3 vs any opponent for years now I just don't ever see the same kind of smart plays as I do from the likes of Night, Clown & razz. sometimes razz plays an ABC game but that's because of how strong his aiming/damage dealing can be, but when he plays the smart game he always wins, and I see the difference in gamestyle when I play with him (both ET & RtCW).

edit: be careful when comparing plays too, because I see a lot of dumb plays by a lot of current day 3on3 players, who rely solely on their aim and not their intelligence. they may win a 1v2, but it's not out of smarts. just dumb confidence.
I see, thanks for taking the time ^^.
From the players I have played with, I would consider United Kingdom razz the best allround player. Mister France yokoo could be easily my number one if he would lead and talk more during game.
United KingdomRaZz is at least the most talented player with his headphones the wrong way around.
Sqzz night matias maus butchji drago xylos lepari myself (olbaa) sample ensam squall reload clown razz
Xpaz jauhis perfo kot m1lk gifty ross
this + david ferus r3vers toxic in their prime days
didn't ferus admit he used to cheat in a certain time?
I kinda remember a friend of him saying he did so, and yes, he was being serious
probably maus? he admitted that in an interview, not actually cheating in matches but trying a bot on public like 10 years ago.
yeah, I remember that one
talking about Sweden feruS though!
I'm not accusing him or something, just thought I once saw Specula telling someone else that feruS had been cheating in the past... sounds like gossip indeed
you're certainly confusing feruS with Sweden fuchs. there is no connection between specula & ferus :P
maybe mythos used same cheats as ferus
ohhh, oops!
you may be right with that :d
I would go as far as to say that pretty much any of these players, even not in their prime, would still be the best in the game today if they actually had a reason to play. :D Players like Mztik, teKoa, sNoOp, urtier and everyone above (and many many more) just don't come with a bad mode.
yeah that bit about being in their prime was just a disclaimer for random etplayers who would mention that they beat any of the above in their more rusty days, thus making them better than the above mentioned players.
Didn't snoop play like one or two matches recently? Think I saw him on gtv and he was owning as fuck (also tekoa like last year? or two years ago maybe?)...

It's sad, but understandable why they don't want to play anymore, must feel bad being inactive for years then play a few matches and own anyway
Most likely plays public from time to time
sNoOp has definitely played a few matches where his aiming was still awesome, and teKoa was definitely playing some wars last summer.
TeKoa has been around using fake nicknames.
Till 2006 you didn't even know anything about clanwars, I made your config (through Netherlandsaltrnt) and showed you HOW to actually play ET competitively, get off your damn high horse, arrogant piece of shit.
Excuse me? I dont even know why i cared to reply to ur delusional and crybaby comment. Gl with ur life sir who ever u are

ps. That config part and you teaching me to play :DDDD good shit m8 what u been smoking all these years. seems like ur that retarded pds guy, no wonder u come here bigmouthing. Ive never even played with you cuz ur retarded humanbeing, never liked never will
If you don't even know why you commented let me explain it to you, knowing that what I said it's the truth you felt compelled to defend yourself, failed to do so went on to flame on and tried to dodge the truth. Have a nice day.
Must be so cuz u said it
lmfaoo :DDD why the hate faggots >D
Nöyryys on hyvästä
Juu tottakai mut paskan puhujat on erikseen
Netherlands kApoter
Don't really think this can be answered with a single name.
People are saying Night because I guess he's played every role at a high level and won everything there is to win.

From my own experience:

I learned alot while playing with Night and Clown, both are very similar in their attitude when it comes to ET.

Out of R0SS, rAzZ and SqZz I would say rAzZ is very underrated and one of the best people to play with when hes motivated, but each 3 have niche qualities which make them one of the best at what they do.

Alot of people are saying names without taking into account how that person is on comms which is one of the biggest things imo, 90% of games are won through comms.

Chry is probably the best engi smg I've played with, could be better if he found the perfect balance between being aggressive/rambo and doing obj.

As for rifles no ones really impressed me besides aCoZz, XyLoS, Night, gifty and sometimes Kevji. miNd had potential to be one of the best if he didn't let his ego get to his head.
Quote miNd had potential to be one of the best if he didn't let his egodrugs get to his head.
no Ati_ in rifle list?
QuoteAlot of people are saying names without taking into account how that person is on comms which is one of the biggest things imo, 90% of games are won through comms.

Definitely gifty deserved to be in your list of rifles.
True was thinking of putting him in there but can't really remember watching him.
But I guess he deserves it
gifty was pretty good but nothing special
United Kingdomkoop, because he revolutionized the rifle in ET and changed the meta-game.
I don't suppose you've ever watched Raveneye play then.
I think I've only watched one game of his and he played pretty shit :D
QuoteAlot of people are saying names without taking into account how that person is on comms which is one of the biggest things imo, 90% of games are won through comms.

I wish more ppl would realize this (especially hungarians). I think this is the main reason why we always had good teams but not great ones. Good - whinefree communication is the key to success.
Motivation is key. When people are motivated on comms you perform so much better, some people don't seem to realise that. Whining = motivation killer = skill decreases.

Rockit is a good example of this, in the build up to the LAN just gone we would lose pracs when people weren't talking/whining. But when offis came around and we were actually really motivated we would win pretty easily, most of the time.
QuoteMotivation is key. When people are motivated on comms you perform so much better, some people don't seem to realise that. Whining = motivation killer = skill decreases.

This aswell
reminds me of cave :D
Funny, people tend to think mind was actually clean :D
Meh, I'm not sure if he was cheating, he just seemed a good rifle in his prime, but he quickly thought he was the best ever and started to go downhill.
I mean people always used to accuse me of cheating too and still do sometimes.
Hyvä läppä kuralt X-D
true, i kinda always forget about razz, always delivers and is just a great guy overall, should be easily top 10
How come you ranked miNd above Sample?
the list was clearly his own personal experience (and rifles he spent time spectating).
Estonia Night
United Kingdom sqZz
Estonia gaz3ta
Belgium LioCo and Belgium mesQi
Both cheating faggots.
90% of the names pointed out here i dont even know :D

so i would go for
1st Night
2nd Xylos
3rd karnaj/an7ho
funny i know
ye an7ho 3rd best ET player is one fucking funny joke

Only oldschoolers will remember sengo...
Schön dass den wenigstens einer noch kennt. Fanboy wäre zwar übertrieben, aber der hatte damals schon übelst krasses aim.
of all time probably for me was night and razz(very nice develop since he started with queens 3v3 :) ), all arounders. mztik was not the best, but i really liked his organization skills and game sense.
kevin ( underrated ) but he was very good. not the best but great player that any team should have.
reload, very complete player.
sqZz for sure!!!
crajsor, mystic, darkie, mAx,
ding ding ding. The first person to list Belgium mAx
EstoniaNight was ok
Sheep UK , best engy ever
Current day, apart from the top UK guys, Netherlands Sebhes, you would understand if you'd ever play a match with him, doesn't matter if it's an offi or scrim.

Respect to every single player that most already mentioned.
testi, caej and gizmo
Netherlandsperfo / BelgiummAus / EstoniaRELOAd
Hi cheater
braindead french idiot
Squall, Night, mAus
Night Lepari dialer naga kmble razz raveneye
Team Finland + mAus + butchji + drago + night
Night, gaz3ta/gza, Squall, mystic, butchji, mAus, sqzz, Clown, kot, Ati_, acozz, reload, t6nis, gifty, xylos, urtier. no particular order. forgot interface. him too.
I know United States of AmericaThe_End is probably one of the most hated guys out there, but I must say he is probably the best ingame leader I've ever played with.
Still a big fuck you to him for being a piece of shit.

and best player of all time is
United States of Americaohurcool
overall the_end is the best player I've played with, always fun to play with him
snoop, mystic, xpaz, night, gza

those guys got my biggest respect
I vote you number 1.
Night ferus gifty gza Matias mAx Raveneye
all is best
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