Tomorrow it's HAMMER TIME (Dirty B)

Tomorrow it's Open Beta for DirtyBomb.

I hope to see some regulars there too.
Just hold on to level 6, when you are level 6 everything starts to be fun (better players, no braindead,...)

For me: I was everytime 1st in xp, kills and ratio.
When I passed level 6, finely a lot of players who are wooping my ass.
In a way, it's actually fun now. It's though now.

A tip: put your hitsounds on.
I think u dont need a key tomorrow?
Need to prac now!
Yep:) hopefully the game will be good
Heard a rumor that this Open Beta will only be for a week for the first run. Not sure if that's true tho.
wouldn't be so bad, there are still plenty of things that could use improvement/fixing
like matchmaking xD
just small playerbase in MM still so the gap gets closed to find matches rather than not finding matches at all. matchmaking isnt some magical thing that suddenly appears :p
I know, hopefully at the end of this week most new players (that start playing when open beta launches) will be ready for MM.

edit: and hopefully in the nearby future they will separate individual & premade MM
I should ban you for leaving group, all time best mix team.
Do you guys realy spend money on this or you play 100 matches every time you need 10k for a new class? And i heard you need to shoot 6 hs for a kill, you havent got spawnshield when the medic revives you .... I played only alpha so I don't realy know about the true situation. Based on the things I heard I imagine DB like LoL... free to play with ingame purchases. So whats up? Do you play wars, is this game competitive or its another fps like those korean ones where the biggest pay2win players tryharding
e: I will try it anyway, but I cant imagine how you play wars if some of your players havent got every type of characters. I mean I can, but dont tell me you join a 6v6 match and you can play only what you bought while the rich kids in enemy team have everything.

In short I am trying to find out if the game is suitable for competitive wars and if it is balanced?
credit gain is a lot higher now; 250 credits for first game + first objective win (don't know yet if it's also for first stopwatch win) + you get missions that can be completed for max 2250(?) credits every 3(?) hours + ingame credits.

The amount of hs needed for a kill depends on how much health they have afaik.
Don't know about the spawnshield but i think you do get one for 1 sec or smth.

play yourself or watch the dirtycup-stream next sunday!
Quote by Nick
The amount of hs needed for a kill depends on how much health they have afaik.

AND what weapon you're shooting with.
The amount of hs needed for a kill depends on how much health they have afaik.

Dirtycup could be useful, thx
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

Drugs attacking
when you are level 6 everything starts to be fun (better players, no braindead,...)

I arent think that
Today, I got rolled so badly.
I was crying.

I arent think that would happen.

gg for engrish
didnt like the game when i tryed it last time few months ago... only game that kinda reminds me of wolf et is planetside 2 well at least it reminds me of the time i started to play et on pubs it has nothing competitive to offer but for fun pub fragin its the best game pick out there for me.
Quoteonly game that kinda reminds me of wolf et is planetside 2

image: KA9Jm9j
Quoteonly game that kinda reminds me of wolf et is planetside 2.

image: KA9Jm9j
sd should ban the cod, bf and cs fuckheads ruining this game in beta status...

they make me so mad, fucking useless waste of oxygen
Lets do ranked games together?
Hopefully I'll play a bit better as late yesterday. I was so bad.
In my defence I 'always' teamed up with a bad team :(
i just read in forums that mm is full of cheaters..

well i need some more train with Bushwacker to be some sort of helpful in mm :P
Tweaking your cfg is enough.
I have been messing around with it today.

it's weird what you can do. I'm a bit scared testing it more, cus I don't wanna get a ban.
but some 'cvars' should be protected, which are not!
i played so much with my config.. i have 4-5 different configs :D

after the open beta release i can't play... errors and disconnects all the time.. cough
Yeah, you have to patient.
Didn't got any disconnect though.

I got now an ultra light cfg. FPS went though the roof.
XD What about the people who claim to be old ET/RTCW pros :-)( aka played once)
It's.. crap.
I was playing Dirty Bomb since the first closed beta. The game went through a huge number of major gameplay changes. I came back to playing it just recently after longer break and I think we did what we could. The game is now actually pretty decently balanced (except few minor items, like hs from sniper doing instagib). For example after years of shouting they even implemented the revive shield :)

Go and give it a try, althought I could not play premade games yet I actually find the game pretty good now :)
I've been playing closed beta too.
but apprently not so long as you have.

What do you mean with revive shield? The fraction of a second, enemy can't hit you when you're revived?
if you mean that, it's bullocks really. Medics revive me faster than I can press 'x' (my tap out button).
I suck at it, because of the way I use my fingers on a keyboard.

Anyway, when into close battle, I die, a medic revives me, while I'm trying to tap out. I die, medic revives me, while I'm trying to tap out.
=> I die insta, i get healed insta. I hate it. that's the ONLy thing so far, which I don't like.
but i know too: this is more my personal problem than DB's problem.
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