Have you ever had a dream like this?

Have you?
cutieeeeee :D
FranceSnake giving a com on teamspeak
I'll tell you what. I once had a dream in 2011. I never dreamt about games but for some reason this night i had one. I had this enemy territory dream where i was playing against a high level opponent (dignitas/anexis) and covering the truck after the gold got loaded in the last stage of supply.

I checked west, i checked east and there was noone near the truck, but it started moving. I panicked as we only needed to hold for half a minute more to win the map, looking franticly all around the truck to find the allied player moving the truck. Then i look inside the cabin of the truck and a blackass fieldops is driving it while smoking a joint. I woke up laughing.
:D I have dreams like this too but they aren't funny http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tetris_effect
back in the days I had dream that reload could speak slovak, he visited my village and I was his IRL friend
kamz doing obj rofl
I dream about 7ele having correct tag
Haha cool one. I also dream in the past something about ET, but i don't remember anything, i just now it cause my brother told me after. He also said i was whining a lot and stuff.
I once had a dream (after I got into some late Estonianight anexis mix) that I was hanging around with sqzz and then someone suggested for us to have a "duel" (like in running) to some spot in the street so we agreed, then they started the countdown 3, 2, 1.. START! and the freaking sqzz started strafing in real life like he does in ET haha, I was frozen in that moment and woke up freaked out
I once called a classmate of mine ViKO. But that wasn't a dream though.
Look guys! It's bobika on youtube!
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