Dirty Bomb #day-1 Open Beta


Yesterday it was the launch of the Open beta for Dirty Bomb.
A lot of players joined the Dirty Bomb experience.

I saw a couple ET players. Remarkable, the ET players I saw, were usually one of the best of their team.
on the other hand, it's quit known that ET-die hard etpro players are usually also good in other FPS games.

Ofcourse #day-1 means that servers couldn't handle the connections. It took me 5 mins to join a game.
Even during game, I heard guys disconnecting for no good reason. Luckily I had no problems with this (Unlucky Kitt).

Also #day-1 means, alot of newbies joining DB. This meant: I was rolling. It became quite boring. Untill late last night, when suddenly I was being matched with +15lvl players. Suddenly I got rolled pretty bad.
best players since I'm playing, and who I see regulary: 'Fiend'. he's like the sqzz on Dirty Bomb: Fast, accurate and smart. Also I would like to fuck Fiend, so basically same as sqzz.

Don't forget to watch http://dirtycups.gg/2015/06/02/splash-damage-vs-nexon-wednesday-june-3rd/ today!
You'll see how DB is played in a 'professional' way.

Shoutout to Twidi, most known player I saw yesterday.

Edit: Sorry for my Engrish
need a high fps config.

edit: cant start the game:
Ran out of virtual memory. To prevent this condition, you must free up more space on your primary hard disk.
Or just increase virtual memory, since you're probably using Windows.. It's easy.
game looks like shit. Have fun.
Cant wait for new PC so I can roll these nerds hardcore style
please stay at et.. dirtybomb dont need faggots like you
I saw talG (fucking nader :)) and Pansy.
Experienced some problems trying to connect to a session and some weird disconnects but never during a game.

Overal really like play the game, too bad I cant watch the stream tonight.

I created a Steam Group for all ETPlayers who are interested in playing Dirty Bomb. This way you can check if anyone you know also players the game.
there already is a steamgroup for ET players who are interested in playing Dirty Bomb!
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