russian translation


currently busy on my last project for school woop woop! then i'm prolly gna make some 3d animations for the et community!

where my russian friends? would need some translation:

What’s the best method to teach the pythagorean theorem?

что лучший сsaпособ научить теорему Пифагора?

like this?

Сука blyat

Feels good to post something in a thread made by mAus, *SoClose*
Suck the dick bro haha, cyka blyat
mAus such a talent. Is a graphis designer. One of the best ET aimers ever known and studies Russian. Is there anything this man can't do?
sounds like a regular hardworking student + best aimer
Not to mention a great bird killer :$
You want to buy russian wife? I would aim for the romanians one, they are much more cheap, beautiful and the language is easier to learn and understand
что лучший способ обучения Теорема Пифагора?
Asked my russian friend (no joke) and that's what he told me

какой самый лучший способ научить теорему Пифагора?
almost, but not the best one :)
This one is better:

какой метод является самым лучшим чтобы научить теорему Пифагора?
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