Dirty Bomb ET group on Steam

I created a group on Steam for ETPlayers who fancy Dirty Bomb or think about getting started. This way you are able to track your ET friends/rivals inside Dirty Bomb and create teams full of ET trained owners.

Go to community and search for "dirty bomb etplayers" or go to http://steamcommunity.com/groups/DirtyBombETPlayers

image: K4QKb6E

Protip: Dont spend your credits until you know what you are doing. The first credits are the easiest.
Where can i find keys? Gonna try to install it sooner or later
I believe its an open beta since yesterday evening.
It is, anyone can download it through steam for free now
ah! nice thx!
There already is a group for ET players who're playing DB: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/dirtyet
Spending all my credits on cases because I'm awesome
Hahaha legend
Add me insane2v2 or old acquaintance
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