Yo, just downloaded Dirty Bomb and was wondering if anyone could give me a few tips etc and a good config.
don't cheat, there are some configs http://www.crossfire.nu/journals/153962/dirtybomb

cba to give tips :S
I could give you a fps cfg.
Add me on steam, not sharing though here
You can add me also on steam if you want :) just pm me
pls give cfg
SuP3R S3Cr3T pWn4g3 CfG m8
Are you on irc please?
(edit: config is a max fps config, also removes explosives, muzzleflash and some other particles)
config: http://www.upload.ee/files/4759038/ShooterEngine.ini.html

vod from my stream from couple days ago if you want to see the cfg before changing it: http://www.twitch.tv/adetooo/v/5546228 (this was a test for my stream so don't mind the quality and stuff :P goto like 30 minutes to skip the intro bs)

CTRL+F these commands and change the values to your specs/settings:

- ResX=1024
- ResY=768
resolution, config is @ 1024x768, resolution(/pixelcount) doesn't really affect performance in UE3(DB's engine) so do whatever you like with that.

- bSmoothFrameRate=True
change to false if you want uncapped FPS

- MinSmoothedFrameRate=120
- MaxSmoothedFrameRate=120
- MinDesiredFrameRate=120
If the bSmoothFrameRate=True this is what your FPS caps at. All values at the same is recommended for consistency.

- MinAllowableRefreshRate=120
- MaxAllowableRefreshRate=120
Set your refresh rate here. Same as FPS cap, both the same for consistency.

- DisplayGamma=2.6
Gamma, change to what you like. between 2 and 3 is what most players use. 2.4 and 2.6 are most used.

- MaxFluidNumVerts=1
This is what removes the explosions/muzzleflash/some smoke. Change this to =400 to turn them back on. Remember that when turned it the FPS is slightly increased, but it takes some getting used to because things like airstrike are less visible when exploding(there is still indicators on the floor where the airstrike is landing but its not nearly as visible)

Keep in mind that some commands appear in the config 2/3 times due to other rendering systems(there are mobile version commands f.e). I suggest using ctrl+f to find all the duplicate commands and change those to your settings aswell for consistency. PUT YOUR CONFIG ON READ ONLY AFTER THE CHANGES, IF YOU DON'T THE GAME REVERTS EVERYTHING AT LAUNCH

In your ShooterInput.ini put this bind on something(i use F10, a lot of players use F9):

Bindings=(Name="F10",Command="BloomSize 0 | FogDensity 0 | ColorGrading 2 | RawInputUpdateTest true | Stat FPS",Control=False,Shift=False,Alt=False,bIgnoreCtrl=False,bIgnoreShift=False,bIgnoreAlt=False)

It removes things like fog, bloom and turns RawInput on. Colorgrading 2 takes away the oversaturated colors the game has(makes everything look a bit brownish though but I prefer it over the oversaturated look). If you like the saturation use ColorGrading=0 or ColorGrading=1. Both are visually the same only ColorGrading=1 uses a different lighting method(or something, they look the same :P) Also this bind draws the FPS. You have to press this bind everytime you first join a server after launch for it to activate(if you join different servers after that you dont have to anymore only first time).

More questions feel free to ask.
I capped at 144 fps but it never stays stable (goes to 140-144 all the time and sometimes drops lower as well). Opinion? 144hz monitor here. Btw, I didn't download the config you just posted but I believe I have a similar one if I compare it to this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s3oRNCEDWJM
A lot of people I know(art1er, OLBAA for example) are capping their FPS at 155.55 for 144Hz monitors, why I don't know as them but you can try that I guess. Also the last patch(the open beta one) is giving a bunch of people fps instability so it can simply be that also.
Remove all shadows as well.
It's useless, and it will increase your fps much more than for example @ et.

Edit: Now I actually read your post more careful.
You forget like a billion cvars that can increase performance, and by that fps as well..

If I get home, and I don't forget it: I'll sent you the cvars that are comparable with all 'r_cvars' from Q-engine/ id Tech 3 w/e. (ET).
For me at least changing those values increased my fps huge.
I'm not forgetting anything. I sent him my config(max fps config with all your billion cvars that affect performance) and the commands to adjust it to his res and monitor. he asked for a few tips and a good config, not what all the cvars are that affect performance :).

Read, then comment.
No problem. i know you're trying to help. i'm just saying there are more ways you can increase fps/better cfg than those cvars you're mentioning.


I don't have to do this. I have no clue why I should, or why I don't have to do it?
And yes, I'm sure since i'm messing alot with the ini files.
I'm not mentioning those cvars for FPS boost, you still didn't read.. xD My config already has all the max fps commands, the cvars I posted are only to adjust his res/refresh rate/and some visual tweaks. They have nothing to do with FPS.

The read-only is mostly because of patches changing settings randomly, I'm not sure if it still does but putting it on read-only guarantees it doesn't. In earlier beta(before the rivatuner configs got banned) the game would change some values simply when launching the game. You don't have to, but if you want to be sure the game or patches don't alter anything, might as-well :) I guess if DB doesn't have administrator rights it might not change the file for you, but some patches replace whole config files so those would still do if it's not read only. (I have read-only and backups of all my .ini's anyway)
Oh I see.

Since you know what you're talking about.
Did you already tried to login as admin in that second console?
I was amazed...

I don't dare to do it again, with all those new patches. I can't imagine DB not blocking this.
Nah didn't try, I know it's functionality for the GM's from Nexon tho. And ECHO data will show it as-well so I'm not fucking around with that and risking a ban :D There's also things like loading the tutorial and using SwitchLevel in the console to load maps locally to walk around that are still available after months of the devs saying 'there is no way to play alone locally atm'. Best part of that is that you can load a merc called 'Javelin' which is basically a soldier with a Panzerfaust that has never actually been announced or playable in the game. His textures are completely fucked up and you see like 4 panzerfaust floating when you load him but its funny.
Link not working?

Will 0 make refresh rate automatic?
Which link? Both work fine for me (upload.ee might not be available in AUS if thats the one) try these:
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