Dirty Bomb #day-2 Open Beta


Yesterday it was day-2 of Open Beta for DirtyBomb.

The game reached it's limits in hardware, and everything became slow.
They had over 9k people connected at same time.

=> They had to upgrade their hardware.
==> Everything is faster now, you can join servers much easier.
===> New bugs appeared: for example 'Skyhammer' was all the sudden not selectable anymore.
====> A Belgium player, who I won't call by name, bought Skyhammer. A game/map later was Skyhammer back available. So he lost 30k c. :(

The game actually rocks. If you want to play it a bit more serious, and not only focus on xp and k/d-ratio then you have to go for objective.
Doing objective is actually quite fun if you play with a pre-made team (or a random team with brains, but since Open beta, it's hard to find 'not-braindead-people' (srry Ipod).
Yesterday I teamed up with a bunch of Netherlands and Belgium players.
Every time we could play together, we pretty much rolled.
Basically, when you have the chance to team-up, do it. 90%of etpro players got enough brains to roll from randoms in DB, when teamed-up.

Shoutout to Fiets, zoombie, Nick, rezta for getting raped, and raping me when i was proxy.
Also watch Adetoo, he's probably gonna help whoever asks for help.(=> didn't play with him though)

best tips of today:
- Look into your ini files, and see what commands you have.
- There are two consoles in this game. And one of them gives you access to stuff you shouldn't have access too!

Diid you get busted in it also?
Yes, I'm busted in a way.

I was streaming with AMD software on Twitch.
Everything was going fine, untill it became to hot for me.
I was mad about all those players being better in playing than myself.
So I took the first little mouse I could grab my hands on.
And I start to use my hand in a way I never did before.

I actually became a skilled player for a brief moment.
Then out of the blue I lost it, I lost all my skills.

I needed a tool, a tool that could make me a better player.
So went to a website, and bought a tool.
When i finely got it, I wanted to test it.

So I called your mother, told her the dildo has arrived.
She agreed, and now you are my son.
I'm busted in getting down with your mum
I was streaming it and also crashed because got too hot weird.
I think it was 9k players :p check steam stats if you want to be sure.
The client speed was back to normal around 05:00 but since 30 minutes ago client is slow again (servers not showing in serverlist, might just be me tho).
We tried matchmaking like 12 times, only got one game on an australian server (300+ ping).

Probably another hardware update incoming today or later this week.
Don't count on maintenance ever fixing those things. Nexon is horrendously bad at fixing and maintaining servers. During closed beta there was an Alienware key giveaway with like 50.000 keys, the playerbase increasing caused the whole system to collapsse and everything was down for half a day. There was an ESL cup where just after the cup a lot of people were hyped and the concurrent players went up by about 100-200 and all the servers pooped again. Open Beta went live and after about 12 hours everything turned into a granny with broken legs. Nexon is just bad at it, and it hasn't changed since they started doing the serverside of things :p
welp, bye hope :D
Haha well I know from the Devs(splash damage side of things) that they are pressuring Nexon quite a bit to get their shit together as-well so. I think this Open Beta launch was a good wake up call for them, seeing the amount of interest and then stuff fucking up. Nexon wants money, fucking up = less money. So sooner or later they will get it right :D
Im like level 5, its fun playing obj when your whole team plays obj. Also i got the medic woman(cant remember name) from a case but i cant select her ingame :-/
If you mean the black woman (her name is Aura :p) you unlock her and Skyhammer(the main airstrike/ammo guy) by playing the tutorial. They are always free after that.

Remember that the cases don't unlock mercs, they only unlock weapons/perks for mercs. You still need to have those mercs to use the Loadout Cards(the things you get from the cases) before you can use them.
No it was a white woman with a smg, ive seen pansy using her in her streams.
kira is a fieldops :o
I think i was talking about proxy? This shit too hard why cant they have simple classes like et...
proxy is an engineer class, with mines. And you don't unlock playable characters from cases, you unlock loadouts (think of runes for specific champions in LoL)
So I have to buy proxy before I can use the loadout, okay .
aah, i forgot about proxy, my bad!
Go to your barracks, there you can decide which mercs are in your squad.
What you are talking about is a loadout tho.
mercs are the guys/girls you play as/with, the loadouts give them different weapons and perks.
Alright i will try:)
After you read what Nick said: you need to dragndrop the icons of the characters.
Thanks alot:)!
Where can I get a low graphics cfg? and how do i use one? where do i put it etc...?
Ill give DB a go today as well
Please, don't. :[
still dont get why the turned ff off everywhere. Seems like they have no clue at all about gaming :|
sorry but who cares about that game? pls.. go play csgo

though DB is fun casual game :)
Will maybe give it a try again, haven't played it in a month or 2 now. New layout and stuff is much nicer. I remember earlier on there were 17-19 or so mercs that you could choose from, was insane. now you can buy each loadout card and shit, I guess the people with most money get to pick the best? l0L

Half way to level 8 still so will see what's different
I don't think there is 1 best loadout card for each merc, there are 2 or maybe 3 decent ones for each merc.
But that's just my opinion.
installed it yesterday and tested it out, 23k/11d in first round, feelsgoodman
better than ET? :p
dno, should play it more to find out.. probably not just because no q3 movement i love
different kind of TJ'ing :p
kom maar met ons game dan.
Doen we binnekort ff mee aan cup ofzo? :p
i have all mercs for free :p
Doesn't work good at my laptop. While League of Legends runs perfectly. Are there any configs to get for Dirty Bomb?
playing matchmaking with randoms = cod/cs deathmatch + they are leaving then = gg

is worse than et at any state on pub or wars..
That's because you're not playing with us.
hehe true... just send me an invite and if i not too sober i'll join up :P
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