To all the new DB players

If you missed it, I made an article/tutorial with a bunch of starter information regarding your settings. I don't go into the details of all the commands but all the information you need is there including a well known and widely used FPS config.(alot of the streamers I mention at the Streams and VoDs page have their own configs in their description aswell). Adding some useful binds and tips for visual clarity tweaks.

Check it out for some basic information and starter info :p
Name changed Adetoo?

And this topic was so expected. I knew you would so something like this, U usually help other with tutorials :D

Quote by Glenn
Also watch Adetoo, he's probably gonna help whoever asks for help.(=> didn't play with him though)

Would like to team up?

EDIT: Excellent tutorial btw. Took quite some time to write that, I guess? Very helpfull, even for me. I thought I knew a lot too (about the game/engine itself), guess not.
Ive used this name in ET every now and then since 2010 but mostly as just adeto. Since in DB I mostly use adetonian(eventho most people/casters there still only say the adeto part:p) figured changing it here so its the same in both places would be fitting.
I think banning you from here would be fitting.
You already stole my birthday, don't take my internetaccounts too plz.
You can't be serious about being born on 5th of July 1991? If you are, I have bad news for you.
is there anypublic servers that is dedicated to ET players still?
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