Getting DDoS-ed makes you mad?:{D

Getting DDoSed can be annoying as hell, there is however absolutely no permanent solution to DDoS other than methods to filter or prevent it a little bit, like having multiple nodes on your host and or having backup resources available at demand. For example, CDN, Front end -> Back end method, Higher access link than 1GBp/s (YEAH LOL WHO GETS THAT?). You get the picture for simple ET servers (noobs) this is will cost way too much and with the outdated Q3 protocol its impossible :_DD. Now what can you do to try prevent it if it's some newfag that is trying a DoS tutorial on google? First you need to distinct whether you're the victim of a DoS or DDoS (google it, if you don't know). Wikipedia:

For DoS there are quite a few possibilities (google it you lazy fucks):

DDoS Deflate:
  • Great software, rock solid, and plays nice with either APF or iptables. Install and configure the service in seconds using the commands below. Edit the .conf file to utilize whichever flavor of firewall you'd like to integrate it with. Set a few configuration settings and you're done.

How to install?
Open that cancerous blackwhite (whatever colors you've set) terminal, make sure you either su up, or prefix every command with sudo. (Yesh install it as root, security genius)
  1. wget
  2. chmod 0700
  3. ./

Incase you don't like it or you can't figure out how to set it up, you can uninstall it this way:
  1. wget
  2. chmod 0700 uninstall.ddos
  3. ./uninstall.ddos

  • APF stands for Advanced Policy Firewall. Its a rock solid firewall that normally plays nice with iptables. You can grab a the most recent copy here:

However if you are the target of a Distributed DoS(over 10k clients) I wish you a good night's rest and you can go cry in a corner and get rekt cause that shit simply won't be fixed by simple software, you are FUCKED simple as that. Unless you want to pay extensively for resources just to prevent DDoS, which you won't even need with what you're running (ET server + ts3 + webserver :xdd).

Source(Completely stolen from here):

image: misa-campo_183990-1280x800
Best thing, would do it again.
jes, tell them pdsm8
You're not in datacenter you noob, we're talking about dedi/virtual servers. Not some homemade fiber.
How ´fucking shit are your traceroutes if you get 60+ ping somewhere lol
pls do something for staph ddosing
We're not being attacked... what do you expect from us? To resolve other peoples server connectivity issues?
GamesTV is not the target of DDoSing, the servers that are hosted by the users and or admins are the victim's they need to take these preventive measurements or get rekt like I said before.
The more amusing part of this is that we have had absolutely no context to these attacks or support tickets. We have not been told the times/dates, or even which damn servers are being attacked.

The community assumes we're wizards or some shit
The GTV servers are hosted by Fragwise or?
gtv game servers are owned by members
Would be interesting to actually know who wastes so much time to attack so many different servers at the same time then lol
Well as I said, I don't even know which have been targeting. I have literally received no reports other than "do you know who is ddosing gtv matches?", that was the first I heard of it.
Hasn't it always been like that? For as long as I can remember this community expects admins, moderators, staff even small cup-admins, league owners to fix their problem without ever telling them what the problem was in the first place. But when it doesn't happen cause they didn't report it (:DDDDDD) they get all mad and go apeshit and say what noobs gamestv/crossfire/clownbase(LOL)/esl admins are. This is how it has been for the past 12 years I've been with this community, it's not gonna change, not now, not in in the future, never. Thank you for all your hard work you did on gamestv though, I really appreciated it, without you guys I wouldn't have had as much fun as I did. <3
Unfortunately the community isn't full of computing professionals who know how to accurately report a bug, we get a lot of "it doesn't work" style complaints, fucking useless.

As for the hard work on gtv, mostly others to thank. It's pretty self sustainable now and I am just working on sysadmin stuff.
Did the idea with Kimi go under the ground - to update the ETTV bot/statistics or it wasn't even possible?
At the time, my main focus was improving gtv stability and improving demo redundancy, that's why it went no further. I care more about the data being safe.

Edit: There's also no chance we will release our code.
aww.. why not??
brb leaking cf4 code
Or maybe CF3, then people can host their own Crossfire

image: e3d40954f6b0006057c79da04578c2e344afdb6a0fa844029c78f41108bd6df2
Release our code for what? Tweaking the ETBOT/statistics so there's more info?
For GamesTV in general
Yeah exactly because opening a support ticket and reading the goddamn guidelines takes over half of your day ":D". It takes 5 minute to fill in a proper support ticket, I myself have done 10 and more and always got the result I needed. That's how a system should work, yours for example is quite a good one, it's just the users that are too fucking stupid to use it properly.
oke I ll stop ddosing if you pay me 10000 euros
Don't need to pay you jack shit, some people actually know what to do when faggots like you try act all cool: "omg im leet hack0r ddos skilzz".
How did you deduct I m a faggot? That s some pretty impressive Sherlock Holmes skills. I m impressed. I just mention this fact twice. Did you notice?
No but thanks for the useful input. :XDssDsd
software firewalls and other software scripts aren't going to save you. You need real protection at a DC with actual capability of mitigating attacks.
Not necessarily true
Depends on type of attack and the amount of clients (bots) involved.
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