Dirty Cups Series #3 Live


pansy and fishstix casting. tune in.
image: mysticdb
mystic playing db :o)
any brackets/teams/lineups?

dmon: olbaa oxy mikza twidi adeto
pkd: art1er outc1der linkzr tOm draceus
ini: mattja potty titan fana taimou(merc)
zfz: kev sonbang kudochop surefour izrail

rest i really couldnt tell you
u96d linep??
reload winghaven 2easy unFixed Morte (fnatic bf4 team + winghaven)
are there any known players (for the etscene) in the zfz lineup??
not as far as I know, they are mostly ETQW players I think. There are ET players scattered around the teams but dMon is the only full ET team currently. Should definitely be more though :P
Unlucky in the last game, but it looked so confusing for someone who never played it before haha :D
Well we got rekt pretty hard on the 2nd map, but the decider we got kinda cheated out of the win by the objective bug (its a known bug). We had control of the objective room a couple of times but the bug makes it so that you cannot pick up the objective anymore. Happened to me (on stream you were able to see me standing next to it for a good 10 seconds just trying to grab it) and twidi had a bug where he wasn't able to do anything other than use his melee weapon and couldn't pick it up.

Zfz did sick in final tho, deserved win there :P
Nice adetoo :D gl mate!
Time to try out this game :)
WP adetoo.
I'm pretty much jealous. nice team, good teamplay. And you guys have one of the best teams atm, apparently.
We are trying to get better also :-) played like 20 hours this weekend
you should have seen the ranked game I did yesterday with Zodiac and nick + 1 random(=4players).
Ranked 4vs5, best game so far for me. My stats were bad. But we played so well together. Sick gaming, it was.
Add me i wanna play ranked im good
And sure why not?

hellfigleach add me, if you can with a message that you're Vatu.
whats the site if i wanna play for some team on this game or somethingggggggggg, im pretty lost
dirtycups.gg (check for the mumble details on their forums) is a pretty good start. They got a "scrim finder" somewhere on the page as well, don't think it's really used though. Otherwise #dirtybomb perhaps.
gg only some new fags to internet looking for teams and players, prefer with some ET guys to try that out then I guess..
what merc(s) do you play and what level are you?
lvl 7

rank gold 5 on competition after couple games

i've played it overall 20 hours before it even came open beta, played couple games couple years ago when it wasnt on steam yet
but what do you prefer to play ;p
oh, somehow I missed what you asked

sawbonez, skyhammer and I guess that torrent guy bushwack or something
He means what class/characters do you prefer to play?
Example: proxy, skyhammer.

.And so far EVERY et player that I know, who is trying out the game is at least Gold 5.
It's insane how much better et-players are compared to other gamers.
(still a huge gap between the real good teams, though)
but too bad ranks doesn't mean shit.. you will get level 5 unranked deathmatch nabs.

reached finally gold 2 but more than fapping on that isn't possible. anyway should be avi later if i'm not too tired :P
The level shit doesn't mean shit, it means only how much you have played on publics and completed those missions to get XP and have done the obj while playing >_> (meaning constructing and shit)

Ranks on matchmaking should show your "skill level", but it doesn't matter as long as you are not playing with a premade team and as long as MM is not filled with premade lobbies
never played mm do you? they play like on public and even then its shit because this game is all about objective and teamplay..

i'm Gold 2 so i expect Gold and/Cobalt to match with me in MM and not unranked Players or Bronze/Silver guys and not only when you matchup with your friends.

Its annoying when players play Fragger and throw their Nades without Timing them or Medics going for defuse/Plant instead of reviving the Engineer next by etc.

anyway the Game is flooded with Cheaters anyway, so its even harder for the new guys to play deathmatch.

Yeah, meant when the MM gets more populated and when this game gets out of beta, the MM will be better. :p

flooded with cheaters? I haven't met one cheater yet, though I am being called cheater all the time, guess there is your answer. You are playing against a skilled ET guy most likely who happens to know how to aim, and with those loadout cards (especially the one with what you hear the footsteps better :DD) is quite ridiculous anyway. Loadout cards should not be on competition, or lets say they should include a lot of stuff from the loadout cards (sprinting while reloading, footstep things, etc) for the basic play, meaning those things should be already available without the loadout cards

what I am curious about the fucking FPS file thingy to get working, on MM it's "okay" but still not good enough, especially on those jumping duels it is sometimes almost impossible to even try to track the opponent with 30 fps while the guy is jumping and shooting with his shotgun on my face with prolly +100 stable fps, that's my problem :8( gave a thought about buying some new parts but well, lacking the money atm
are we there again with too skilled?

there is a difference if you have level 5 guys using Speedhax/Teleporting/Defusing without the blue bar in under a second/using the Spawnshield every infight/Aimbotters

got the Shawnshield guy few minutes ago.. was fun to play against when you can't give any damage except with explosions.
yesterday i got someone who could defuse without being seen.. was fun too on underground.. team looking to the dyna and suddenly "c4 disarmed" and he appears behind ya :D

you can also tell that most of them will change their nick.. i couldn't find my Reported Names again on Steam.

yea i have FPS Probs too, sometimes they are fine and then they going crazy and you can't hit anything.
dunno, i dont think i've seen any of those
yes, I know, thank you, I'm not that stupid even some people may think so :S

So far, the only thing which is keeping me down is the fps issue, 30-50 most of the time sometimes 70-100 indoors if not much happening around me. I haven't got the FPS cfgs working, don't load somehow
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