LowLandLions MEGA Day #1

The LowLandLions Community is proud to announce the first edition of the Lions M.E.G.A. Day. This day of Multiple Entertaining Gaming Activities will take place on Sunday the 21st of June. Anyone is free to sign up.

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You can sign up for the following events:

The schedule planned for the day will look as follow:
  • 15:00 - 21:00 League of Legends
  • 15:00 - 21:00 DirtyBomb
  • 15:00 - 18:00 FIFA 15
  • 16:00 - 22:00 HotS
  • 16:00 - 21:00 DOTA 2
  • 20:00 - 23:00 Hearthstone

This event will be streamed by the casters of the Lions. If you are also interested in casting one of the tournement's game feel free to contact us. We are looking for people who'd like to cast!

Via this page you can stay up to date of all the tournament's the Lions host.

In case you have any questions feel free to contact us.

URL: http://lowlandlions.com/
TS3: ts.lowlandlions.com
FB: https://www.facebook.com/LowLandLionsCommunity
I have decided not to add ET as ET United is hosting a lot of cups atm.
cuz et for sure is the most active out of all those games :P (I get it tho)

But GL Timbo, nice initiative, hope all goes well. Interested to see how many teams actually sign up per game for such an event.
Was yesterday the first time it was announced?
No offense but horrible date for the dirty bomb cup, no one will sign up for it as the dirtycups.gg grand final of the closed series has been scheduled to that date, 3 weeks ago already.

Edit: Or any other sunday for that matter, ESL/DirtyCups.gg already have cups scheduled for every. single. sunday for 3 or 4 months in advance.
Are all teams going to participate in the final? I'm sure I'll host another DB cup another date. Want to see the interest of the DB community.
Not all timbolina, i think top 8 will get a spot in the grand final. so top teams will be playing in the dirtycups.gg finals :p there r lots of teams around already tho so you might get signups from lower level teams but if u want a good run for the tourney im sure you should host it some other day, even at week (tue, wed, thu)
How long does an average DB cup take? I could host it midweek then yes.

Do DB teams also expect prizes in cups?

I'm a big fan of the game and would like to see it grow.
umm not at this point, prizes r not needed but you could talk to some DB heads n ask if they could put up coins / mercs w/e for top 3 prizes if its necessary. well the cup with 32 teams? usually starts 19cet and ends like 2 am or so? so quite a while yeah :) mostly cuz first 2 rounds are bo1 and rest bo3
Current cups usually run from 19CET to ~3AM CET with 32+ teams and bo3 starting round 3.

Yes, prizes are expected. We currently received in-game credit prizes in all the cups, the big upcoming cup is rumored to have a big cash pool.
Ah, I'd have to step it up then. Cup from 19 CET till 3 AM CET is too late I guess. Will have to figure something out.
Those times are... to accommodate the NA players more. If you were to run an EU only cup you'd have less sign ups (16-24) but more freedom in the schedule.
Is it actually playable with 100+ ping? I tried it a long time ago and it was pretty inconsistent.
Yeah all NA vs EU games are played on US East. I feel like it's the same as in ET that 120-150 ping is playable because of the client side hitreg, but obviously still a clear disadvantage.
its mostly cuz of NA/EU are at the same cups so the time is "better" for both teams and NA admins forces all the games which is between NA and EU team to be played on NA server aswell, so you could go step a head and make it like we had in rtcw, 50/50
Ok thanks for all the tips olbaa and Oxy. I'll see what I can do for future cups. It seems I have to get in contact with Splash Damage first.
Pretty much, yes. It'll be 8 Invite only teams afaik. I don't see any of the other teams signing up, considering the big "hype" that this cup is. If I were you I'd run a EU only cup sometime during the week. Also, you'd have to get involved with splashdamage as well as you'd require them to provide you with private servers for said cup.
Okay thanks. I'll get in contact with Splash Damage then.

Isn't DB like LoL where there's already servers that teams can use to play on?
No. Nothing like LoL. There are a few private servers but they're DirtyCups.gg exclusive for their PUG system.

Also you'd need an admin team to run through the servers and change maps as the current voting system is rather limited.
riot sponsored LoL tournaments are held of separated servers with custom settings though
avi for HotS
avi for DB!1
why no et cup?
timbolinaREPLY yesterday, 14:25
I have decided not to add ET as ET United is hosting a lot of cups atm.
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