Little csgo movie

Sup cf buddies,

haven't been here for a while, just wanted to get some feedback for a mate and his 2nd "movie project".
The frags arent special at all just like the editing, still I'd like to get some advice for what he could improve and you'd like to see in a movie like that.

Any feedback is appreciated.

His first movie project:

6min for testing editing with VERY VERY BAD AND LAME AND NOT INTERESTING FRAGS(tm) is waste of time imo. Tell him to do 2-3min clip and maybe he might get some feedback.
songname first vid pls <3
nice nickname
ic what you did there
first song was awful

pretty much enjoyed the rest
noob skins Kappa
lol nova aim at B site inferno @ 1 min?

Sound is a little out of sync with guns etc, looks like it was recorded with fraps or something? I had the same issue when I first made a clip with it.
Could have cut the clip down quite a bit and had some more interesting frags otherwise, make it a little more faster paced.
He recorded it with shadowplay. Frags were just taken out of random esea/mm games. Thanks alot for the feedback :)
Wasn't too fond of the blood splatter, haven't seen that for a while :D
For example I use mouse1" = "+attack; r_cleardecals"

Either way, keep it up and of course will get better with the videos :>
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