10 years later...

Ello ello crossfire !

During the last 2-3 months I have been browsing crossfire from time to time and had a lot of thoughts about all my ET time and all the people that I spent it with. I haven't talked to most of those people for years and I am curious how things for you and them have changed?

For me, I completely moved away from gaming and worked on my job/career. At the beginning I was still playing some quakelive (on quite a high level I would say) but that game went dead (or atleast most of the high-skill-CA-Players went inactive) and I decided to put my effort into my career/real life. Nowdays I am very focused on climbing up the career ladder and by that I spotted a few crossfire users on linkedin/xing and saw that they are doing very well ! I often wonder if crossfire/ET has helped me and others getting this far, making something out of myself and growing up. After 4 years of working I currently work as a group leader of a 25 ppl team and reached a lot of things in reallife that I wanted to (house, girlfriend, dream car,.. ) while aiming for further goals.

All the effort that I put into a game, into a team, into myself.. I think it thought me more than just how to aim better? I think it thought me some softskills that greatly improve my work balance in real life. Instead of trying to figure out a trickump I try to figure out different tricky approaches to jump up the career ladder. I often think that staying home, playing and "training" was a way better decision than going out and doing nothing than just "chillin" with friends. It kept me busy at figuring out how to improve.

Anyone has some thoughts to share or similiar stories ?
so this journal is about your job bragging? gg
10 years later, so how is ET, fuck it let's talk about how I'm rich and you're nerds
QuoteAt the beginning I was still playing some quakelive (on quite a high level I would say) but that game went dead (or atleast most of the high-skill-CA-Players went inactive)

Quakelive, especially CA, isn't like ET. There aren't events like "EC" where you could say that those teams/players playing in this event are "high skill". Instead you have a community of a few hundret players that frequently play against/with each other and by that determine who is "high skilled" or who isn't. And how will you call someone high skill when the only measurement is ones own opinion.
Nice man, and sorry for people like bobika, he cant remember 10years back because he was in his father's nuts back then:-(
Dont know, out of 314 words there is one sentence describing what I am doing atm and what I aim for/reached. If this is all they can read, remember and understand as bragging from my text then something is clearly wrong with them.
I ended up being a health and safety co-ordinator/transport manager and LED billboard technician. The former for the England and the latter for the North West of England. I quit that job after being told i had to be in Germany in 18 hours and driving from North england to Frankfurt...
yo mate :P
:D:D:D Zsolt !!!! Two days ago I was in hungary buying stuff for cooking "Gulasch" :D
Ahhahaaaa nice mate ;) you should ve told me that youbare here ;)
Next time I will :) .. I am sure you have a good gulasch recepie ! :D
Good retrospective beasty. It is nice to see that you are doing fine even in real life ;). Keep going to fulfill your dreams. What about family are you considering to start one? :)

PS: One thing, where playing of ET helped me a lot, is to roll my coworkers in CSGO :D. Unfortunately I cannot think of any other good thing in which ET improved my life.
I surely want a Family on day... partly because I am on the only child left in my Family (so it is up to me to Keep it going ;D) but not now.. maybe in.. 5 years? It doesn't feel like the time for that chapter is already :)

What about english? Didn't ET improve your english? :P For me it did I think.
Yeah, you are right about English but I'm not a chatty person so it didn't help me much plus I didn't play so often with international lineup. Anyways I'm looking forward to see where you will get in 5 years!

I feel the same about family right now but you know biological clock are ticking :).
Oh I see. Maybe the ET soawntimer increased your math skills? ;P

Pff.. Biological clock.my ass.. I am 24y old.. I should have some biological time left :D
I'm slowly moving to third decade... So sometimes I hear it ... tic tac :D

BTW: Around 24, you should be (by statistical meaning) where your reflexes should be at its finest ;).
Ignore the comments the first negative comments. Good to see you have achieved your life goals. Keep up the good work and nice to see ET has positively influenced your life
in my environment i realized many gamers are pretty smart about their careers unlike others that are mostly "fachidioten", all i have learned from the et community is how to browse the internet properly to find answers and explanations and somewhat the english language
My honest answer from reflecting the experience I earned while working with my Team:

To know how to find a solution and where to find it and to get that solution on your own... that seriously is something many People don't know about or are able to do. Especially in stressful situations where it has to be done fast.

Well I also know a few Gamers that aren't any successfull with their career.. but I belive that it because they are still focused on gaming every night. For me, I changed that Focus from gaming to myself/career ?
I remember 35 years ago I was just a street romanian hustling hard to get some money to buy a lollipop.

Than in 1989 I was contacted by KGB and CIA to give them some ideas of how would be the ideal mode to get rid of that fucking Ceausescu. So I told them "No Problem" and few days later the biggest dictator of Europe was dead.

Than fucking capitalism came from Western Europe and I started to realize bit by bit that what I was watching on Pif and Hercule cartoons was not what really happend in West Europe. I understood that capitalism is a big fucking lie, that the colonialism that helped the rich country of Europe to get richer, was back in a new form, called neo colonialism when us, the south east europeans together with my niggers from Africa we are nothing but dead meat for some fucking capitalist from Netherland, Belgium, France, UK. Of course I should mention also Spain and Portugal but those mother fuckers started to realise that what they took for centuries now is time to give back and also being closer to those they ripped off caused a big seizure in their system. Unfortunately I have also to admit that spanish and portuguesse are not very intelligent. They are just very good ass lickers, snitches, and drug dealers. Proof is that this days in Portugal consumption of drugs like crack cocaine or heroine is no longer prosecuted but instead you end up on rehab and you get a small fee.

So while I had this vision, I felt a tremendous rage shivering my body from my toes to my but hole and later my brains started to burn and this is how I got my X ray vision, but this is another story and is not good for children.

So I joined Crossfire because I heard this community gives great warriors to the world. I was very dissapointed to find out this was not the case.

When I joined here they told me I was poor. I was very angry and I started to hit the mirror with my iron fists. Pretty soon I had no longer any mirror to hit, so I started to hit the walls. And this is why after few weeks I was able to make my room bigger, by demolishing one wall. Only with the power of my iron fists.

One day I woke up and I searched my face in the water. Cause I had no more mirrors, like I mentioned earlier.

I saw my face and I said to myself: What the fuck are you doing with your life?

So I decided to become a great student, and develop my intelligence.

Thus at the beautiful age of 33, same as Jesus had when he died, I signed up to become a Public Speaker, because I had another vision in which a little bug told me I will be a great politician one day. I was now on my road to success.

In the year of Lord, 2014, EU president, Mr. Schultz contacted me asking if I m interested to join the Erasmus program and come to a little country that was not even suppose to exist, in which they had no government for more than 200 days, and apparently people were quite happy during this. That country is known as the country of chocolate and beer, but believe me is all a bunch of lies. And they also call it Belgium.

So I accepted because I have a big heart, and they told me this little people called Belgians needs my expertise in cooking a new form of chocolate based on special formula that only my grandmother knew.

So here I was in 2014 in this city of Antwerp, where they say there was this big giant on the river and he never let anybody pass cause he was a giant and also a dick.I totally disbelief this story but that s what they told me. And after that some small guy and killed the giant. Yea right, like I m so idiot to believe this shit...but anyway for Belgians this is a credible story.

So while I was studying hard here in Antwerp, this Belgian women who are half Dutch and half French and half something else became very interested in me. And I had to move five times, because they were just waiting for me in front of my door asking me for sex.

This problem with Belgian women being so hungry for my cock, has to do something with gays. Apparently Belgium and their foster parent country Netherland have quite a dispute on whom allowed legal gay marriage first. I personally don t give a fuck. If any of this gays touches my ass is him who is going to be called Antwerp. Dutch people know what I mean.

So this Belgian women get no more sex, cause all the men in Belgium are gay. Shit, I go to this gym, and everytime I need to use my 6th sense just to pay attention if somebody won t put his hands on my sexy worked out ass. The shit is crazy trust me...

Anyway back to my story, as I was a brilliant lover/student, also my Belgian Flemish professors were very proud of me and they all wanted to give me hugs, specially the ladies.

One day the rumors of a handsome genius Romanian student, reached the ears of a big boss in Flanders, and he decided that I no longer have to be a poor gypsi from Romania, but now is time for me to be a rich slave of the capitalism system in Belgium.

So he put me in a logistic company, where are all the types of retards like Marocans, Portuguese, a lot of Tibetans, and they all scream Free Tibet when they see me, also some Belgians, but you would be surprised to find out that actually Belgians don t really like to work in logistics. Cause you know...is hard work.

So all day long I hustle hard, I observe the assholes who are doing nothing all day, getting fat, while we, the real people of this world are suffering for some euros, in a false economy which I sincerely hope one day will collapse together with all the mother fuckers that sustain it and we, will be once again, free men.

But in the mean time, I went from 200 euros to 1500 euros, I m paying my debts, I m trying hard also to keep studying, I try to visit as many places as I can, I m trying to think not to much about my dream car, which is the Bat mobile, I really don t give a fuck if I m a teamleader or not, cause anyway all the teamleaders I met so far, they are anything but teamleaders, I fuck as many whores as I can get, and I m not a racist, I even fuck black whores and sometimes I enjoy a Corona.

So, did Crossfire pushed me to go beyond my limits? Fuck yea, I mean you all saw me at the lan, didn t you?
Fuck, I read it all.
I am still stuck at my doctoral degree in chemistry :(
One day Olgaam8, one day.
sure thing :)
Good luck with that ! From what I heard chemistry is one of the hardest subjects to study ?
I won't say it is the hardest, there are probably tougher subjects to study. But it is definitely one of the most frustrating moments, when your molecule degrades or goes to waste only because you didn't take care for one moment or the chemistry just doesn't want to work. In cases like this work of several months can get destroyed. It is frustrating but even more rewarding if something actually works like a charm!
>dream car

:PPp <3
:D Stalker !

As daily Driver I ditched my Peugeot 106 and now have a Citroen C5 HDI160 with Hydroactive Suspension and Exclusive interior. Pain in the ass when something gets damaged and you need to repair it but driving it is like flying on clouds :D
Sweet :D
Why such a big car though? :>
Well I wanted some allrouder that will work for me for a long period of time. Comfortable, reliable and preferslable not too shaby looking :D

The C5 fit perfectly for that but I couldnt really think of any smaler car that would be thst comfortable and reliable.
Btw its the C5 Limousine Ecxlusive Automatic...not the C5 Tourer...but still big as hell..nearly tko big for my garage. The lenght and witdh is pretty much the same as a BMW X5 or X6.
I'm still figuring out that supplydepot trickjump.. ;)
You see what I mean? ET thought you to never give up ! ;D
Did you just implictly tell sebhes to get a life?
Haha I got the message time to move on
event manager :)
Why you have the pic of Jason Statham instead of yours? I mean, you re Beasty, right?
Dunno I haven hanged that pix on crossfirr during the last...5 years? :D

Some crossfire user have my fb profile, there are a punch of up-to-date pictures.
I don t use facebook anymore, I found it addicted and decided to leave. I don t like chains
whats your background and your current job if I may ask?
Austrian school system:

I did 5 years of Electrical engineering and automatication on a federal higher technical institue (including a diploma project during the 5th year). After that I started to work at a pharmaceutical company. After one year I got asked if I wanted to work as group leader deputy of manufacturing, after another year I got promoted to group leader.
After CC5 LAN I left ET and gaming for good I would say, went to work for half a year, was called by the military to go to Lebanon as a peacekeeper, did that for 6 months. Bought a oneway ticket to the Philippines and became a dive instructor, build a dive center, got married to a Filipina, got a baby, sold my dive center and moved back to Finland with my family. And now I am going to go study International Business Administration. Also will be helping my wife's dive/travel business as part-time :)
Wow :o nice !
gib mal lieber meine alte config gangster
Fürs Ammo geben reicht doch auch die standart config ! ;P
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