Dirty Bomb...

So whats it all about?
fast ego shooter, with tj and almost the same gameplay like et
'almost same gameplay as et'

Did you actually play it? the only thing that actually resembles ET, is defend/attack obj. And you can play with an engi, medic and fops (eventhough they are ABSOLUTlLY not the same as ET)
But then it would resemble BF too, or teamfortress, or ...
Oh wait: Objective oriented FPS game. right that's it!

Gg for Engrish.
thats why "almost"

so u wanna tell me that bf and other obj oriented fps are fast ego shooters and have tjs included?

and with gameplay i mean things like doin different objs (for example getting samples, repairing tanks, planting dynas on walls/barriers/obj), have different roles like medic, fops, snipers, also Trickjumps/strafing and a pretty fast ego shooter, which et also has and other games not... and since its not the exact gameplay like et i added the word almost
it is the same gameplay as ET :p
You're such a troll, that's about the same as saying that ET:QW and Brink didn't have the same gameplay as ET.
Only thing i dont like is the iron sight on weapons other than sniper guns.

who needs that
you don't have to use it?

and there are CoD and BF Kids..
I know but if there is no difference, why do they implement it?

and screw these stupid cod and bf kids
There is a difference, using ADS(ironsight) means slightly less bulletspread but slightly higher vertical recoil. That said it's such a little difference that it only matters are really long ranges.

Imo, let the people who prefer it use it and if you dont like it dont use it :P as long as there is no advantage for either user whats the problem with having the option.
who cares if there is ironsight? cod players feels more comfortable, and its fun to own them.
Will never get big competetive, but still fun to play sometimes
An orgy that includes ET, TF2, BF and League of Legends and together they create a lovechild that is both weird and really fun at the same time.

Probably closest thing to ET we are ever going to get so if you want to get away from a dead game and find something fresh with a similar feel to it, have fun.
nigga, did you just said "League Of Legends"? lol.
I guess he means the;
"Get to level X to play ranked/matchmaking.
Gain X amount of credits/ip to buy a merc/champion. " - system
Couldve said dota or any other moba doesnt matter I dont play them :p but I was referring to the f2p model and the idea of 'champions' aka Mercs in DB ;)
Oh i see, in that case it does make sense.
It's a game i play every single day carrying niggaz all day i just won a game 2vs7 on terminal with proxy <3 ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting
It's a pretty good game!
solid game.
Its good you should try it
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