
wtf is wrong with KREUZFEUER? i see shit dritybomb and cs journals... but no DOOM4 MAIN NEWS???
Oh, whaddaya know. The scripted moves are a bit stupid, but at least it doesn't look like the "atmospheric" flashlight bullshit of the previous game.
wow looks awesome, looking forward to play it, but almost a year to wait
e: man u can break his leg and throw it in his face dafuq :O
It looks exactly like Prototype :D
meet me in mp for sure

*** prototype?! that was shit and incomparable to this.... i dont think you even played it
saw the "sneak preview" at QuakeCon last year, not my cup of tea but was fun to see everyone else get super excited :P
Dicks are your cup of tea.
if its out before lan I mightdodge sorry sebhes
I never liked u
I'm pretty much always disappointed with trailers in the last two years or so, they are all played with superduper low controller sensitivity making all games look super sluggish and imo boring :/
Sick sh1t :D
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