Dirty Bomb stutter fix

A few people have been complaining about stuttering FPS in DB. Tact1c posted a link related to this and from my own trial and error I found that these settings do affect the amount of stutter. Just sharing here, credits go to Tact1c for the find and to the original poster on the steam forums(its based on X-COM game based on UE3 aswell)

These commands are found in the ShooterEngine.ini
"bUseTextureStreaming=True" (these are default for most but not all UE3 games)
"MipFadeInSpeed0=0" (these even out mipmap loads and draw time)
"PhysXGpuHeapSize=64" (these balance physx calls even on cpu based physx titles)
"bSmoothFrameRate=TRUE" (this really does need to be on, ignore what you've read)
"MinSmoothedFrameRate=30" (keep these right here. setting higher/lower does no good)
"DisableATITextureFilterOptimizationChecks=Fal se" (driver based opt is MUCH faster)
"UseMinimalNVIDIADriverShaderOptimization=Fals e" (same here)
"PoolSize=256" or (vidmem/poolsize exmpl: 512/128, 1024/256, etc, DO NOT exceed 768)
"bAllowMultiThreadedShaderCompile=True" (should already be on by default)
"ThreadedShaderCompileThreshold=4" (formulate like this: # of cpu-cores (not threads) -2)
"OnlyStreamInTextures=True" (reduces overall texture batch call size)


Also added this to the DB guide. Let me know in the replies if this fixes stuttering or general FPS performance for you. Personally I had about ~1 ms faster on my Frame and Draw speeds (stat UNIT in console for this, its like a more precise FPS counter).
thanks man this has been really annoying all the time gonna test it now
- edit nice seems to work !
yea runs a bit smoother when the Frames drops below 50/40 but still after the Open Beta Patch the performance got worse, atleast for me.

i hope the Devs will finally spent some time on optimization.. sometimes DB just runs on 1 Core etc and they should add 64bit + DirectX 11, well its a Beta and making Money is important too...
Haha nice Adetoo ty.
Will test it later, and tell you if I see any improvements.
Remember that MaxSmoothedFrameRate= should still be what you want as your FPS cap. 400 isn't some magical value :P
many players cap their fps on 155.55 or smht? why that?

seems like they also use 144hz screens
Seems to be a thing in UE3 that capping your fps a little (~10) above your Hz feels smoother. I have 120Hz and using 130 aswell for same reason atm. Noone seems to really know why, it just feels better :P
Ok yeah I see, well I got 60hz monitor, so I just capped it @ 120
100% photoshopped, can confirm, google the image and you'll see.
"ThreadedShaderCompileThreshold=4" (formulate like this: # of cpu-cores (not threads) -2)

Subtract 2 from the # of cores?
Just helped a little bit.
Downloaded a higher graphics cfg, and for somereason my cluttering is gone.
I'm really clueless now. Going to compare every cvar, with hardware settings. I don't get why an .ini with settings for better graphics, gets me better FPS than one with low settings.
Tried and the stuttering is gone! But now the fps are going continues down after the half of the match from beginning 120 fps down to about 40 fps and after 1 hour of game play the game freezes and I got the out of video memory message:

image: LH56V7L

ATI R9 285 (2GB) is working in my system.

Any idea to solve that?
Its a memory leak issue(has nothing to do with config most of the time), do you still have this after the latest patch? If so try changing PoolSize to a lower value (if you are using 768 atm, try 512 and see if it helps)
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