Looking to make a fun team :D

Hey fellas I'm looking to make a team of people who just want to chill have fun and play causal cups and wars. I don't really care about skill, but please just no whiners. I'll take as many players who wants to join cause i have a schedule that is not always consistent with work . Team name is stoners for life please speak English and team photo will be a pick of me i took last night. LOL

image: weed_zpspbplfvft
That's a pretty brutal name for a clan.
You don't like stoners for life please speak English and team photo will be a pick of me i took last night. LOL?
I preffer name Trippy fools
I refuse to join a team with that name since smoking that shit is illegal. I hope more people will realise this and join my point of view. good luck tho, and burn in hell.
its not illegal where i am.....
count mi in!
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