Ban time for cheaters

Since last few months of hosting ETPRO server with AC it seems it busted good amount of players. Now I am just wondering for how much time other admins ban cheaters on there own ETPRO servers when players are caught cheating.

For other players who play on ETPRO on regular basis, does 1 year ban sounds fair enough? For public cheats on our public servers, I normally ban for 90 days and then returning cheaters 180 - 360 days. But for private or new cheats, we just issue permanent ban till 2020.

Just looking for some feedback from CF community. Thank you.
this community gives a shit about cheaters, players caught by AC writing a book of shit here.. and ppl support this like
they are hollywood stars, so what do u wanna hear now.
Some. Not all. Some would just whine about everything and some would make difference where they could. It's internet so all are welcome.

I am just looking for some feedback or some ideas. There is no harm in asking for feedback. Troll post, I ignore and good suggestions, I will use for my players and server benefit. :)
exactly my sight
Personally I'd say the bans should be equal for both public and private cheats. Cheating is cheating and has the same effect either way.
Thanks, you made my day better already Fore :D
I disagree with your opinion and I would explain it a bit.

Private cheat = You want to cheat and you cheat to brag about your scores. Intentional cheating. Basically you are full aware of what you are doing.

Public cheat = Sometimes new player get frustrated and end up downloading cheat thinking it's addon to a game or just think since there is no PB, everyone might be cheating and hence they load up cheat. But after getting banned they realize, hey, they would get banned to for cheating if they are and they literally stopped cheating. For those players AC auto issues 90 days ban.

Currently it's like this:
1. Public server - 90 days ban.
2. ETPRO server - 365 days ban
3. Private and some other cheats - Permanent ban public or etpro servers.
4. Proxy IP's banned.

My goal is to minimize cheating on my servers and not players from playing on my servers. There is no 100% effective way but whatever I have right now is effective for us since once cheated on one server, after 1 hr ban gets applied on all server, irrespective of mod.
How do you differentiate between public and private cheats? Are there really people out there still coding ET cheats and players paying for them (to use on a public server :D)?
Yes. There are private cheats and paid subscriptions and those get updated. Also some people re-modify existing public cheats, re-compile it and use it so our old un-updated PB wouldn't detect it. You wouldn't believe but there are more then 15 variations of Nexus cheat itself.

I PM'd you something interesting :)
Fair enough! Quite sad tbh that players are still willing to pay money for cheats in 2015. :P
So many people should have been perma banned from playing ET ever again but haven't been due to their retarded friends ''but he is a nice guy!'' Or the people that got caught just do a disappearing act waiting for the hard evidence to disappear and then return a few months later like nothing happened.
This sums up the whole history of the ET community :P
We started keep evidence from 2010 or so. So it's always possible to crosslink them back on our servers.

We changed up our system in 2013/14 and moved to unique GUID's on every mod i.e. silEnT, Jaymod, ETPRO and NQ.

We have banned one of our co-leader chuck4buck for cheating as well. No problem in saying. I would have problem if I had let him play. Brothers, sisters, friends, etc excuses doesn't work in our community.

Nothing is 100% perfect but we as a community do as much as we can for the regulars and fair play.
I believe the ban length depends on the kind of cheat you have used.

Public cheating - 180 days ban
Private (during officials) cheating - 365 days
Caught by demo - 180 days ban (unless it's official)
Knowingly playing CG officials with a busted cheater - 90 days
Playing CG officials with a busted cheater - 30 days
Returning while banned - Another 365 days
Well, you're talking about league bans now - he's discussing server bans. Those ban lengths you listed are different based on where the cheating took place, not the kind of cheat. Cheating in an official match has more of an impact than cheating elsewhere does, so the ban is harsher.
ban for lifetime
First time caught: 6 months/1 year
Alias/Fakenick/Return while banned: add 1 year for each time they get spotted/caught.
'Repeat offenders'(caught cheating more than once): ban for life.

Things like public vs private servers really shouldn't matter, it's still cheating either way. If you murder someone at a private party your offense is still murder compared to a public party :P. If you punish 'less' for public cheater, you're also partially 'allowing people to try cheats' because the punishment is lighter imo. But like the normal 'law' system first time offenders get a lighter punishment than repeat offenders.
Sometimes some newbies get frustrated and end up using cheat. Ex:

One guy used to play on TWC jaymod. Since they have no PB he thought everyone cheats and then he also started using cheat. Played for few days with cheat loaded on TWC without any issue. Then he joined our's and got busted. Appealed the ban and told the story and was up front honest. We lifted the ban and so far he has been playing clean.

My goal is to stop cheaters from my server. I am more about giving 2nd chances to up front honest player rather banning all on the game which is towards it's end years. He is happy regular now and even recommends other players to our server. Those who whine after cheating on our forums or other forums and spread stories that they got banned for no reason, never get unbanned.

On another side, one player was cheating for getting high ranking on SL and show his skills. That cheater got permanent ban. Our ban merge systems keeps auto increasing ban duration for repeated cheaters.

If I do permanent bans for all, all my servers would be dead. So somewhere I need to find balance for my regulars and our servers.
for ever imo
I dont think that they are cheating, just some config bug imo.
post banlist please
1000+ bans issued on our all server together. Jaymod, NQ, silEnT & ETPRO. Making full ban list public isn't possible but if you want to look up someone let me know there IP and I can gladly look up for there subnet in ban list and provide the info to you.

Off course no AC is perfect but this one works better for us then PB did anyways.
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