DirtyBomb noob needs help

So far i figured out how to change the crosshair to a dot and that i need to shoot the fat guys in the head more often than the slim ones.

But questions remain:
- How to change my nickname? Does SetName only change the nickname that other people see? That would be very weird.
- What about the different mercs? I don't really like that system -> how long does it take to get them all? Is it possible to give the standard mercs other weapons? I spotted some loadout cards with different weapons - however, they only seem to be for mercs that I don't own? An SMG Medic would be nice after all....
- How does the competitive play work? Are all mercs available to choose from on private servers or can the players only play with the mercs they own?

aaaaaand last but not least: if there are fellow noobs out there who in general like to play on monday, tuesday or thursday nights - feel free to message me. I would surely enjoy to get to know the game in a competitive fashion.

image: cute-cat-600x399
- How to change my nickname?
from steam

how long does it take to get them all? I

eternity if u dont buy them

- How does the competitive play work? Are all mercs available to choose from on private servers or can the players only play with the mercs they own?

no limits MM cup has limits. MM is totally broken atm
>MM is totally broken atm

You are formally invited to the Follow Professional eSports Gayming Club (since 2008) Steam group.
In order to change your in-game nickname you must change your steam nickname.

Not all the mercs are free, basically you have to unlock them with in-game cash but from what I've heard (I might be wrong tho) all the mercs will be unlocked once the game goes out of beta.

The competitive system works like the one in CS:GO, you get matched with 9 other players who are searching at the same time as you do, but as swani said... the system is fucked up really bad as in you can end up playing against level 20+ players when you are just level 5..
Ok.... so I will just play with the free ones for now.
Sure mate, add me on steam if you wanna play (startj)
all the mercs will be unlocked once the game goes out of beta.

i doubt this
As I said I might be wrong but a lot of people have been saying this.. might be just a rumour
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