
so 1 exam to finish my master degree in computer sceince.(in sunday)
so i got offer from my boss to relocate to budapest for 1 year maybe more but for sure not less then year. in 1/9 .
lets say its not even offer ..he already told me that in april. but i must give him an answer this days.
ofc the salari will increase (depends on the progress) i will manage 7-10 progremers. +the appartment on thier company + car, i already know the major investor hes been here few times. so from this side im relaxed but still..
how life there? night life i heard very good but still dont know if its my type, im not going to be bored there at night?.
how the pepole? they get handle with stranger(im israeli my gf is dutch).
anyone here from budapest? or lived there ?

Well you gotta think on the last political changes. As you probably know Orban, their vice prim minister is not very well seen in EU big headquarters, due to his relation with Russia. My guess is that hungarians are going to be isolated in the next years.

From what I heard, from other Romanians, Budapest is a very beautiful city, and the last thing you have to worry is night life. SInce the night life in Bucharest is amazing, I m pretty sure so is in Budapest.

I dated here in Antwerp one chick from Hungary and I think she was fucked up in the head. But again, I might be subjective, due to our conflicts that we have between our two countries, for almost a millenium.

Towards us, hungarian people are not very welcome. But towards other races they might be, I have no ideea honestly. I also have a pal at work, he is also hungarian and he is ok to talk, and quite a partier. You might also take into consideration the language barriers.

I know for sure, that most of hungarians don t speak English, and I m not talking about some students who are of course educated in this, but about the big amount of population. So for you it will be very hard to integrate among hungarians, unless your coleagues at work will welcome you in. I doubt that you planning learn this language. Is even more fucked up than Finnish, but rather similar.
I can't help you with night life or anything related to hungary but I just tell you:
do it in any case. It will be a very valuable experience and it is only for a limited amount of time.
It will help you to find work at the desired place you want afterwards.
Night life is really good at Budapest, u dont have to worry about it :D there are lots of places u can go.

The english education started somewhere around the 90's, so most of the ppl who are younger than 30 can speak a bit of english at least. Strangers are accepted as far as u are not gipsy or smth. Some ppl hate jews (but thats the case in a lot of countries i guess).

Budapest is a really big city, lots of different ppl, u dont have to worry about being accepted or not, everyone is minding his own business, they basically doesnt give a fuck about others.

Your colegues at work can be idiots or friendly ppl, its just a case of luck i guess.
Ask Karrde.

I've been to Budapest one year ago for a holidays. I find Hungarians as friendly people- I had a great time at Erzsebet ter^^
I doubt you will be bored. There are hundreds of pubs and clubs with every kind of music. You can find tons of good hamburger/pizza/kebab or gyros places or shisha, tea houses. I think people will accept where you come from, atleast I wouldnt care about your nationality if you are a friendly person. There are Hungarian assholes aswell, nationality dosent determine people. Only Canadians should work on their issues with Hamburgers
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