what happend to saken his Journal?

Did he removed it cause of flame? Xx
Censorship in the media once again, can't trust anyone.
9/11 was an inside job by seanza.

This will probably be censored too, read it while u can, don't forget the truth!
made me giggle :p
I think some admin deleted it. Don't know the exact reason.
nah, it was deleted by saKen himself - less assumptions ;)
No surprise for us is it?
after what he did in that nation cup im not surprised! I bet he was mad cause the UK lost :P
saken wants his 50$ badly
wait. so he made a journal because of 50$?
please tell me it's more than 50$.
it must be something like that? U win cf lan every player in ur team gets 50$? I guess seanza stole 50x5 ?
well its alot more , wasnt just 50$ from saken, we (Yermanz/Pdeg) and other teans also didnt got any money and prize pool was about, 3k? or even more money.. :p so saken was more complaining about no on received anything and seanzea enjoyed some holidays
Because the Crossfire gestapo admins like to censor everything remotely negative even when using proper argumentation.
Quote by saKenActually I removed it as I can't be bothered and it doesn't seem like he's around anywhere anymore.

but details details, amirite?
SEE you at LAN :D.
SEE you at LAN :D.
et dead and now even the e-drama fails to stay alive
Shit happens, get over it.
ff cool doen zegt em
You cry for 50 euros, what should I say than:

1. thousands of euros, I literally lost count, spend with ycn, made them multimillionaires in any currency
2. hundreds of euro invested in tzac, never saw any benefit back. Eventually we all know what happen
3. u mad?
If I would have 1 cent for every Portuguese that stepped on my balls since I m in Antwerp I would be able to buy your mama a nice ring and marry her. And that would make me your daddy. Comprende?
Not really, but that might be due to your comments are simply incomprehensible.
Let's see if you comprende this:
You and your gipsy friends go in a car, who's driving?
The policeman.

Filthy criminal.
E-drama, sweet! Feels like the good old days.
was up homeboy? you off from wattsapp?
My phonenumber changed some time ago, though it updates it automatically and I think it does. msg me at cf / irc if you cant get my message
Am I the only one who is bothered by the his genitive? :D
hazz for president!!!
I'm not a part of this story but Potty, that's a shame to be so proud of treating someone that badly. You should do something for all that hate in your body. Karma is important man.
I also have a lot of hate and anger in me man. Even a butterfly makes me angry. Teach me the secret ancient Buddhist techniques to accomplish eternal peace into my tormented soul
I live with a romanian roommate and he eats chicken day & night is it some kind of cultural issue?
healthy so why the fuck not?!!!!?8,8?!,8?!,8?8?!8?!,8?8,8,8?!,!,8?8,!?8,8?8,!
What do you want him to eat? I also eat chicken a lot. Pork not so much, beef only sometimes. Is not a cultural issue, is cheaper here, and I m sure is cheaper in France as well. And since he is roommate with you, he must be a student, thus he does not have so much money for an expensive country like yours

What city is he from?
was that a recent journal or the old one?
Mate, please pay some attention!
he got himself the lipo he needed. Big mouth with little acts to follow up.
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