6on6 TODAY

Come on boys, let's play 6o6 today 21.00 - 2.00

I think 'xD Trickjump, can play at 21:00 CET with our Benelux line up. Message me on IRC!
will let you know if deryn comes on
What your mom think about you playin that late?
Shame for you that your mother couldn't handle the disappointment you are and killed herself you fucking rat
Why not "6o6 EVERYDAY" since ur nerding n being so desperate to play not just "TODAY" heheheheh

Touched my PC for the 3rd time in over a month, that's still more than how many touches you have in your whole life on any girl fucking weirdo
image: RTHi2-wDM6Xu6_180x240

bobi will skullfuck you you fucking nerd. do you see this picture? it happened on his school when isis members tried to do a terrorist attack but bobi jumped on the bomb that they detonated and now he has a scratch on his arm but his school and everyone is saved so gtfo kanker sjoerd with your comments?
so basicly he would jump straight up for the hit and get knocked out? nice, tough guy
fuck you nerd man get dirtybomb or ill break your puppy leg with a crowbar
So instead of spamming skilled merc looking for team all day it's 6o6 xD
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