ET is crashing

Hello, since yesterday when ever i'm launching my game, it goes on the grey screen at the beginning and just crash after a minute or so.

An ET console's opening with a red message error saying: Q_strncpyz: NULL src

below that appears those messages: ----- CL_Shutdown -----
RE_Shutdown( 1 )
Shutting down OpenGL subsystem
...wglMakeCurrent( NULL, NULL ): failed
...releasing DC: failed
...destroying window
...resetting display
...shutting down QGL
...unloading OpenGL DLL
Q_strncpyz: NULL src

Do you guys have any idea about this problem? Would be cool to help xx
Hello, since yesterday when ever you're launching your game, it goes on the grey screen at the beginning and just crash after a minute or so.

An ET console's opening with a red message error saying: Q_strncpyz: NULL src

below that appears those messages: ----- CL_Shutdown -----
RE_Shutdown( 1 )
Shutting down OpenGL subsystem
...wglMakeCurrent( NULL, NULL ): failed
...releasing DC: failed
...destroying window
...resetting display
...shutting down QGL
...unloading OpenGL DLL
Q_strncpyz: NULL src

Do us guys have any idea about this problem? Would be cool to help xx
Hello, since yesterday when ever he's launching his game, it goes on the grey screen at the beginning and just crash after a minute or so.

An ET console's opening with a red message error saying: Q_strncpyz: NULL src

below that appears those messages: ----- CL_Shutdown -----
RE_Shutdown( 1 )
Shutting down OpenGL subsystem
...wglMakeCurrent( NULL, NULL ): failed
...releasing DC: failed
...destroying window
...resetting display
...shutting down QGL
...unloading OpenGL DLL
Q_strncpyz: NULL src

Do them guys have any idea about this problem? Would be cool to help xx
maybe finally get new pc
bonjour snatix je crois que ton problem est cause par cette erreur: Q_strncpyz: NULL src, malheureusement je ne sais point comment le regler
VAC soon :s
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