Monitors not getting signal

Hey need some help.
Neither of my monitors are getting signal, tried 2 different graphics cards in 2 different ports and this didn't help. Tried to swap around my ram incase that would be the problem, still nothing. Guessing that my mobo is broken, but wanted to see if you guys could help me before I choose to buy a new one.

edit: Both monitors worked fine till yesterday, left my pc on, came back today and now my monitors aren't getting signal.
Check your BIOS and see that your graphics option is set to PCI-E or PCI.

Edit. let us know how you go. :)
How would I do that without anything coming up on the monitor, also don't really see how that would've changed since my pc worked fine yesterday.
Do a manual BIOS reset by taking out the CMO of the motherboard and putting it back

image: 251369515

Also! try using an old VGA cable

image: vga-cable

Give more info about your issue, what motherboard do you have? What videocard do you have? Maybe you aren't the only one encountering this problem.
Your motherboard will often have a DVI and/or VGA port which may or may not be enclosed with a plastic cover with two Phillips screws. Try those inputs instead of the one on your graphics card.
Cable issue for me.
I suppose that you use wrong DVI cable for your monitor/monitors.
Probably You use DVI-I Single Link or DVI-D Single Link and You would need "DVI-D Dual Link" cable (NOT DVI-I Dual Link).
If You can check it first with different cables then use HDMI or DisplayPort (if your monitor/build-in mobo-gfx/gfx card has plug-in on it) - everything should be fine - do it before buying new DVI cable to make sure it's the reason.

To make sure, please answer to me which one do you have?
image: 6h45zF5
I don't really see how the problem could be in the cables since they've worked for a couple years now, it's not a new pc setup
try first another cable, then try another monitor with both cables.

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