Need rifle for et United lan

Hey guys, unfortunatly the rifler we thought was in place is unable to attend the lan so im in need of someone!
Would prefer a Guy i know or have heard of and someone looking for fun and who will add good banter on comms!
Currently we have the 5, w3st-shimmie-rat-griim-testi. Were starting prac tuesday 20.30 cet and hope to play three times a week if possible for a couple hours, message me for details. Thank you and look forward to getting back on
Nice dodge specula
where is specula :(
There is an underrated belgian player called lazio, he did a fragmovie once if i am correct. np
Would love to join, don't play rifle though :(
Anyway, nice to see you again w3stie, been a while
You do play rifle :o or at least when I played with you you did
I don't recall us playing together, sorry. You might be mistaking me for Wrath? Or it might've been a mix and I just played rifle for fun. I used to play it like 5 years ago, but I switched to SMG :}
yeah nvm he was finnish
dave use to always block my rifle shots and then die by it :<
gl! /q Lightning
If you wish to know specula's reasons ur have to ask him :) ive asked light, not budging him im afraid nor can i get ati to return haha. Lazio is unable dabby like urself! But he will attend to say hello. Come on my follow riflers, need some for tommorow :)
Lazio will be at lan?! YAY
I might be able to help you out for tonight (didnt play a lot but will work for once I guess). I bet Rat would love it :x
If we dont get anyone whos interested that would be perfect Bullvox what irc chans are u on? Were playing at around 21.15 cet or something .let me no mate
image: Knipsel

there's your 'why'
gl guys, cu on lan
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