Friendly hello from Shepherd

Hello CF :)

How are you doing? I've found myself watching ET videos on Youtube lately and felt like I need to drop in here and check out what's the current status of the scene. It's wonderful to see that ET is still alive and kicking. I wish I only had the time and courage to re-install it and start playing again. It's so tempting sometimes...

However, World of Tanks has eaten my soul. I've actually met a lot of former ET heroes in WoT. I met Intact for example and exchanged couple of words with him :) . If any of you guys play WoT, feel free to harass me in-game. You'll find me by the name Shepherqe

If any of my former ET friends see this, say hello ! :)
hello shepherd
hello shepherd
hello shepherd
hello shepherd
hello shepherd
hello shepherd
Hello moor! :)
Bit late now but hi2u2 mr Killerbee :P
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