Lion's DB Frag Fest #7

DirtyBomb 5v5 - EU
image: 2s0mko6

This tournament will be different from the previous editions. We will now be using a round robin and a 4-team playoffs! This way every team gets to play at least 3 rounds instead of 1 round when you lose. Please read our rules carefully.

What is a A round-robin tournament (or all-play-all tournament) is a competition "in which each contestant meets all other contestants in turn". It contrasts with an elimination tournament.

Cup date: Tuesday the 11th of August, 19:00 CEST (GMT +1)

Team format: 5on5

Additional information:
Broadcast: No
Shoutcast: Yes:

How to sign up?
Register your account here and create a team (Join -> Create a Team). Once you have entered all the details for your team, make sure you add all the players to your roster.

Teamcap: 32

1. 50.000 credits 5x
2. 25.000 credits 5x
3. 10.000 credits 5x


Please join us on teamspeak: during the tournament to ensure clear communication with the admins and other teams.

Schedule (CEST - GMT +1):
19:00 - 19:30 Round 1 (Best Of 1)
19:30 - 20:00 Round 2 (Best Of 1)
20:00 - 20:30 Round 3 (Best Of 1)
20:30 - 21:30 Semi Final (Best Of 3)
21:30 Grand Final (Best Of 3)

Please take in mind that the schedule might change depending on the amount of sign-ups!

Miscellaneous information:
Signups till 18:59 CET (GMT +1)
Check-in start from 18:30 till 18:59 CET (GMT +1)

If there are any questions that are not listed in the text above, please contact an admin.

Sign up here!
Join our Dirty Bomb Steam group!
LowLandLions website

Credits to Netherlands Timbolina
What happens when you have no team, but you want to participate?

One cannot guarantee that you will be able to join the cup.
However you can put yourself on the list as 'Free Agent' HERE.

What does 'Free Agent' mean?

Basically it's what's called in Enemy Territory-terms as: playing as a 'merc' (Mercenary). Teams who will be participating in the cup, can look up which 'Free Agent's have signed up. They can contact you, if they need you.

ps: don't forget to report 30mins before the cup starts that you are 'avi to play'. There will be a button asking if you are present a couple minutes before the cup starts.
People can see who signed up, and who's actually 'avi to play'.
Dear Timbolina,
we(TAG) didnt receive our prize yet and we r waiting for 2 weeks already. Any new news when we will get this? or r u just trolling people?

Thank you in advance

Yours Respectfully
Lukas "Specula" W.
same for us for last week :D but timbo can't do anything about that, Nexon has to pay out the prizes and they are known for just being horrible at it.
What adeto said. I'm also trolling people.
Prizes will be given out very soon they said.
aight, ty :)

need the credits to get a shitty sawbones cobalt card :D
The time so utterly bad. People with a life simply cant play at 7.
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