Team coach available for LAN

image: Bubbadub

Dear computer users,

As you probably noticed I lost my interest in E-sport journalism but I come to you for a different matter.
Indeed, I would like to offer my very professional skills in order to make you win an ET LAN Tournament.

For the idiots who have spent a decade in their cavern and never seen the daylight... I am MarseilleColonel LeFrancis, CEO and leader of military operations at house of very talented cyber-athletes since 2008.
I have led my computer soldiers to great victories over the last decade. We won together several and we are also known for being the only organization with Poland who never used a cheat (except if you consider listening music with a microwave, a cheat).

Anyways, you must be :
- Talented : I don't want to waste my time with noobs
- Aiming for Top #1
- Able to pay me (I accept alcoholic beverages and charming ladies oh and also meal vouchers)

I will :
- Provide you with next level strategy and very advanced tactics
- Make sure the team moral is to the max 1337%
- Offer you finger stretching, by using a very ancestral technique used by Bruce Lee
- Care about your well being in-between very intense computer battles
- Teach you the art of driving vehicles and how to avoid being crushed when the truck moves near a wall.

If you fill the requirements and are interested by such an incredible offer, seize your chance!!!!1
Contact my agent United KingdomniSmO aka Joe

image: tumblr_nmhf2pIfTb1qzy9ouo1_1280

MarseilleColonel LeFrancis - CEO of since 2008, ex-cyberathlete, ex CF eSport journalist
A true professional. An asset to any team.
Your DB aim is sick yo!
He has a great leader that's why :)))

image: Baphomet
i smiled.
best team coach recommended got me from bronze 5 to challenger
If you can offer me penis stretching then i'll allow you to be my personal coach.
hing is not hung?
well memed

no it was shit
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