Monitor issue

I start ET and when I vid_restart or exit the game, my monitor turns off, PC remains working fine. Tried turning monitor on/off, cables.
I've been using same cfg for months and this problem started last week, right after I had to do windows repair due some sketchy stuff on PC.
Only thing that works is restarting from button. Although monitor doesn't turn off everytime, random.

Haven't seen this issue in other games. Any ideas?

Monitor is Samsung S19C150
I think u start ET and when u vid_restart or exit the game, your monitor turns off, PC remains working fine. Tried turning monitor on/off, cables.
uve been using same cfg for months and this problem started last week, right after u had to do windows repair due some sketchy stuff on PC.
Only thing that works is restarting from button. Although monitor doesn't turn off everytime, random.

u haven't seen this issue in other games. Any ideas?

Monitor is Samsung S19C150
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try doing same things without ur config /cvar_restart if it works it comes from ur cfg
Check other r_displayrefresh value
I tried 60, still turned it off.
Had the same problem,fixed it by reinstalling windows :D
Using different cfg fixed it for now.
maybe a conflicting cvar_backup in etpro folder or in your profile folder that's giving you a different r_mode or displayrefresh that your monitor can't use.
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