Looking for a Team :D

Peace, guys

Been around 9 months since Ive played (Something around that except the game jeewee posted which I forgot :D). 2 Weeks ago I started watching some fragmovies again and also started playing on Public for fun. Now I'm looking for a Team for the next or running cups

About me:
Class: Fops, Medic, but now I prefer playing rifle cuz I want to start with something new :P
Language: German, Decent english
Skill: Not sure, last Ive played around med/+

Prefer some guys I know from the old times. If u're interested, pm me here (Dont have IRC anymore)

Peace ;)
I think you played last year
Yeah, played active around christmas I think. Im not sure anymore. I meant around 9 months, relax :)
I'm relaxed! No hostility, just reminding you :P
Miswrote it, sorry :P
gl vincent
GL! good player!
wb kenji! Take this guy, good player!

ps: we're all playing Dirty Bomb now :P
Hm okay :/ Well, I just started playing onlinegames again, not sure about db. Dont know a lot bout it
If you have a nice config and if you play with some guys that you know, it's quite a nice game!
wtf Joe you drop so many comments nowadays even more than me
ure very dedicatedm8
lol I haven't seen this comment in like decades
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