Punkbuster autostart?
17 Aug 2015, 22:12
Pb has begun turning itself on everytime I start ET even it should be manual. What could be causing this? Pb_security 0 and everything
35.8 %
(19 votes)
64.2 %
(34 votes)
2) pb_sleep 500
3) seta pb_security "0" => in etconfig.cfg (or your autoexec), restart game.
4) seta pb_system "0" => in etconfig.cfg (or your autoexec), restart game.
5) Download hacks that bypass Punkbuster (pointless now)
6) Download Punkbuster blockers
7) disbale pnkbstrA and pnkbstrB in your services
8) dont let pnkbstrA and pnkbstrB start whenever you reboot Windows (I understand you're using Windows?)
3+4+7+8 will make sure PB won't run.
5+6 = retarded.
etconfig.cfg (is a cfg generated per mod, meaning you got to edit every etconfig.cfg in every mod you play)