

Last year I made a journal since my sound wasnt working when playing ET. Now I reinstalled windows and thats working again. But, now I got big fps lag, in particular when I am in an outside, crowdy area. Inside a room I get 125fps, but once outside it drops till 10fps and its unplayable.

I got an ATI Radeon 5800 and updated the lates catalyst drivers. Set everything on high performance.. Changing my cfg does not make a difference either. I also got it when making my own server to test :(

Does anyone have an idea, so I can play some public now and then? :P

Thanks :)
R_primitives 2
well done, u win
Thanks! What's it for?
I believe it changes the rendering method
Hmm, okay, thanks :)
r_primitives 2
Vid_restart bug
Wow thanks Testi and Flexican!! What's this cmd for?

Woohoo I can play again :D :D
Als r_primitives 2 niet werkt kan je allen processors aanzetten in taakbeheer. Klik met je rechter muisknop op ET.exe en dan affiniteit instellen en alle processors aanzetten.
r_primitives 2
r_primitives 2?
r_BuLLm1lk 2
Omg Bull Omg
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